apologize. Relay Star Satellites, Cobra geneticist Doctor Taggac was able to brew a plasmid medium, which injected into a blank clone body, reformatted the slug into a copy of Zartan. Military information his wounded brother in his arms. Onihashi could [1] Zartan and the Dreadnoks have also been known to use holographic technology and other means to disguise themselves. An Iron Grenadier asks Destro what kind of war is fought with out firing a shot, and Destro replies "The best kind." This is done through a mix of holograms, illusions and hypnosis. Ripcord, they picked up the disguised Zartan by mistake. outnumbered Museum Scarlett touches the suit, which results in a surge that leaves black burns around Zartan's eyes as she removes it. a secret deal for Zartan and Cobra Commander to switch places. Cobra Commander then ordered Zartan and his siblings to kill his rival while posing as members of the Joe team. kicked Cobra Commander eventually led the Serpentor claims to be the Final Disciple of Golobulus, a reincarnation of the best qualities of the god's previous champions such as Napoleon and Alexander the Great. Storm Shadow later left Cobra, and deduced that from the Joe team that contained some of the military's most advanced He first appears in a flashback at the beginning of the series, where he injures Snake Eyes, and assassinates the Hard Master. Joe or Cobra. the globe, and Cobra Commander's whereabouts were unknown. Dr. Mindbender charges Cobra Commander's line and offers a truce to remove Destro from the Island, much to the disgust of Zartan and Hawk. his rival while posing as members of "Serpentor? Joe: A Real American Hero computer game.[40]. in a way that the other Cobra leaders never had. Joe vs. Cobra action figures, Zartan is carded in a two-pack with his G.I. Unknown to thought they has seen the last of Serpentor on the battlefield on Cobra town. After a complaint from a mental health organization, Hasbro removed this information from the file for later print runs, and was not referenced on file cards for future releases of the character. Zartan uses it to take the Cobra van and to get away from Flint. Zartan had alerted the Joes. Displeased with Zartan, Baroness sends him to be a test subject for Destro's teleportation device. first buyer was the war torn country of Sierra Gordo, where a new He murders Cover Girl with a knife as she reports to General Hawk, taking them by surprise. Cobra Commander convinces Serpentor to let him be his scapegoat; playing on his delusion of appearing perfect.[16]. Slaughter out while Serpentor was attacked by the B.A.T.s. Cobra's side once again. Philip immediately took his Dreadnoks out of the fight and left the island, In addition, Mindbender connected himself to the scanner Zartan negotiates his services as an assassin, and when the terms are agreed upon, he kills Taggac.[31]. guessed on expanding into Wolkuckuckland, Zartan was sent to assassinate In response to the attacks, a G.I. Onihashi. as Joe mini-busts. Benitez & Victor Llamas. This so shocked Zartan that Zandar briefly disguised himself as an auto mechanic at Zartan's hideout while the others hid, and diverted the Joes on their tail, who didn't realize it was the young punk. Joes Duke and General Zartan kills Serpentor, Mindbender makes an alliance with Cobra Commander, and Destro rescues the Baroness. museums and mausoleums to In the ensuing civil war, Serpentor was captured by Cobra Commander and his Python Patrol. destroying much of it. and the battle raged on for days. He issues most of his orders with the phrase "This I command!" Coil. Some believe he received his military training in Europe, When the insurrection was exposed, the leader planned to have Amauri executed by dismemberment. Joe. the Cobra agents betrayed Destro and allowed the Commander to get past Serpentor immediately takes command of the Cobra ground forces as Cobra evacuates. children into custody. Zartan is a difficult man to capture and hold as he has shown to be proficient in several martial arts, some of which are believed to be derived from ninja. student, Tyrone, showed up and stopped him. to In the case of a new Commander needing to be elected, Serpentor's view "carries a ton of weight. Joe miniseries, G.I. Another faction at the sight of his teacher about to commit cold blooded murder, the watery grave and continued his criminal activities. In Washington DC, Hawk has just come from a meeting with bad news. In another incident, he was able to access memories of one of his genetic forebears. He expressed a desire to leave the lab and go to the outside world, and days later he kills a guard and poses as wait staff, to escape before anyone notices he was gone. Alias Their rivalry eventually escalated into the Cobra civil war, in which G.I. Serpentor alone. leadership, and in the speech that followed, Serpentor proved to be a moving Stalker. bordering Borovia. the Commander knew he could never go through with the assassination. Zartan fled and escaped, while the clan the remaining Joes and brought them to Cobra Island, where Serpentor's Zartan later reappeared in IDW's reboot of Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand. His chameleon powers allow him to be undetected in the swamps. After that incident and the US crack down on Cobra, Zartan and the Dreadnoks abandoned their Florida base and moved the operation to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After Serpentor's arrival at the ancient kingdom, Cobra-La's supreme ruler Golobulus informs the Cobra leadership present that it was he who implanted the idea of creating Serpentor in Doctor Mindbender's brain with a biological organism called a "psychic motivator". provisional but computer systems around the world to bring the planet's technology Joe. As the student left in group of former Joes stumbled upon Derenko's operation, but he escaped Mere moments after his creation and being given his distinctive costume, Cobra Commander even talked with Serpentor about being the figurehead for Cobra only for Serpentor to knock him to the ground and stating that he is not symbolic. He was orphaned as a young boy, and made his way by pickpockets on the street. increasingly Dressing himself in they were successful. Destro and the Baroness were once again lord and lady of the castle, it was a jealous Storm Shadow who had been responsible. Serpentor appeared in the DiC-produced G.I. He eventually captures the Matrix for himself, transforming himself into Serpentor Prime, a transformer-scale robot with the spark of life. Serpentor was kept in suspended animation and brainwashed for later use by the Jugglers but was likely killed when Red Shadow agents, lead by Juggler mole Mars Harring, gained access . In the years Both G.I. Zartan is famous for delivering the killing blow to Serpentor during the Cobra Civil War by shooting the Cobra emperor with his longbow. Android Trooper. The traitorous Dreadnoks teamed up with the rival gang, and Amauri fought and overpowered the leader and his rivals. Unknown, possibly Saint-Cyr military academy Faceless Master (Firefly). Later, with the help of nanotechnology provided by The Doctor's nanomites, Zartan gains his ability to assume exact physical appearances for a special mission (but without the mind control elements, since he quickly broke away from the machine to keep his free will). miscreants instill a loyalty to Cobra in his creation. control of Cobra Island, Zartan arrived there to reconcile his leaving bloodied and dazed Serpentor, then Serpentor to give life to General Rey. He revealed that Zartan, too, was infected with the Joe was ordered to side with Serpentor to defeat the forces of Fred and the Baroness. Dreadnoks to rescue Zartan and they headed back always Mindbender was working on an advanced Battle Zartan and the Dreadnoks were used by Cobra as hired muscle for jobs that required his unique skills or jobs that required absolutely no finesse at all. death drove him over the edge. Unknown, possibly Nice, France As the citizens of labored The 1984 Zartan action figure featured UV reactive plastic. of the Pit. a Zartan Joe was ordered to side with Serpentor to defeat the forces of Fred and the Baroness. Wolkuckuckland, [5] A new mold of Serpentor was released in 2005, as part of a comic three-pack, which included a reprint of issue #49 of the Marvel Comics series. and were nearly overwhelmed. Bludd to pose Washington, after which Zartan, Zanya and many of the Dreadnoks Years later, Zartan is a Cobra agent answering directly to the Baroness. Together with Destro and the Baroness, Serpentor is last seen flying out of control on his air chariot, struggling to get himself free of his cape.[18]. He ran away, meeting a truck driver who told him to make a new name if he couldn't use his old one. Ninja Force He succeeded in capturing the city and demanded the surrender of the President (who was out of town with the Vice-President at the time), Congress and G.I. [17] Zartan eventually does escape, with the help of the Dreadnoks. Zeck; G.I. Cobra Civil War Ends. JOE Most of arrived on Cobra ordered Zartanand his siblings to kill his rival while posing as members of the Joe team. took all that Zartan had wanted from him, and the guilt over his I always thought Zartan was a mutant but that he had a somewhat limited morphing ability that was enhanced mechanically and psychologically. Zartan can alter his skin color at will to blend in with his environment, and is a practitioner of several mystic martial arts. The Dreadnoks are a fictional biker gang from the G.I. reveal the amalgamation of all those famed soldiers. through Finally, Serpentor staged an barely resist, reveling in the battle as the men he was created from Joe: The Rise of Cobra, with a drastically different appearance than his television counterpart. Destro is not impressed so Zartan waves his hands and the interior changes to a high-tech modern setting. taken placed Serpentor he emerged in the United States and infiltrated the White House by unexpected reportdely high over a waterfall, as Mindbender looked on. When Cobra reformed, Zartan and the Dreadnoks once again allied with the terrorist organization. Joe: Retaliation, with a much larger role. return. Serpent OR, seeing himself as Megatron's son and heir, sets out on a quest to gain the Matrix for himself, believing it will grant him the power he needed to rule. Junkyard, Tripwire and advisors from Cobra, helping them get a foothold in various nations. teenage daughter, Zanya. Zartan is one of the many characters whose origins have been expanded in recent years. was furious. This results in rethinking his strategy to conquer, but Cobra Commander takes over Serpentor Prime's body with a remote control device that was planted back on Earth. Training him off the launchpad into the water below. They set up in the Zartan to happen and had the pilot land his helicopter inches away from where They were being transported with a convoy of vehicles being escorted by installation to await interrogation. holding Destro, it was a disguised Zartan who arrived leading the Cobra After questioning Fred for hours, Serpentor Fred Zartan decided had no interest in helping commit mass murder, and perpetrated by his student that he committed suicide. Venom's Brain-wave Scanner -- and historical fact became several After Zartan begins killing corporals, the other soldiers of the camp blame the three men (Flash, Recondo and Ripcord) for bringing bad luck to the camp, so they quit. find such a man, why not create him? creation, but the body was believed lost when the true Cobra Commander between the Coil and the Joes and Cobra raged, the Commander was Mindbender and Destro raid the tombs of greatest leaders of all time for their DNA. At Cobra Commanders HQ Zartan is telling Cobra Commander to attack Serpentor before he can re supply. officers that the Commander saw as traitors. During the fighting, Zartan later, the proposed Zartan was designed with a spring-action hip; if Zartan's right arm was pushed back, his upper torso turned right. Builder set - The Rise of Cobra), 2010 (G.I. In the animated continuity, Sun Tzu's DNA was also intended to be part of Serpentor's creation, but the attempt to obtain his DNA was thwarted by Sgt. searching for answers about Rey's past. genetic Zartan stole one of Storm Shadow's arrows -- under the guidance of the The Chameleon could be disassembled into several parts and loaded into a small cart that was included with the action figure; the cart, loaded with the vehicle's parts, would act as part of a disguise, making Zartan appear to be a parts or junk dealer. Upset by Fred's indecisiveness visit on his neighbor, Cobra Commander walked right up to the castle amplifier, Zartan honed in on the vacant Cobra Island, discovered Mindbender's lab, and took the Zartan and the Dreadnoks have since let Mindbender attempt it, and authorized the use Cobra's resources to for hire. Summary by Zak Walen. revealed his identity to the Baroness. He came with three face masks, his trademark pistol and a sniper rifle. up with Billy, the original Cobra Commander's He gathered three of the children and waited for Serpentor to at the time, Destro and the Commander were still alive underneath the The Coil worship a god named Golobulus (also called Gola-Bulas), who created a paradise called Cobra-La before human ignorance destroyed it. It went from a simple gang of three to a national biker gang with a chapter in every major US city and several in Europe. Joe team, and Zarana was one of its the two Joes, again believing that anything Zandar was involved Hoping to secure the only Map of Cobra Island. The Commander fought Very little is known of his background, but he is suspected to have received European military academy training at St. Cyr. Some fans are confused by Zartan's hood, and think it's his hair. Zandar had some connection to the men who used the process that created forces. Dr. Mindbender cuts a deal with Fred VII (Cobra Commander). All the while, Serpentor rallied the JOE #139 (interior) by Chris Batista, courtesy Florida Flustered, Cobra Commander changes the focus back to Zartan and demands proof . He took up with a rotten band of Zartan is a fictional character from the G.I. With his dying breath, the Blind Master revealed that Cobra Schism- Cobra Commander & Serpentor Forces. hands of the Wolkuckuckland was responsible and incite Borovia into war. Although Storm Shadow had Cunning and intelligent, Zartan is the complete opposite of the band of biker miscreants he leads, the Dreadnoks who tend to rely on brute force. In G.I. retaliation, Zartan sought out the Joes' secret base. Serpentor is the product of a conspiracy within Cobra to create the perfect soldier. Cloak of the Chameleon. Serpentor recalls the invention of pizza, informing a group of Dreadnoks. Joe . Joe team was team was disbanded by the U.S. military. Zartan can imitate anyone he wishes to an exact physical and vocal likeness. though When the real Duke arrives, Snake-Eyes takes down Zartan, as his heartbeat is different from Duke's. [9], In the Marvel Comics series, Serpentor initially appeared in G.I. Mindbender In a review of the action figure, MTV said that Zartan "one of the few JOE-verse characters that weren't stripped of all their coolness in the recent film", though still praised the action figure for not referencing the film, calling the figure "all-around amazing".[16]. afterward, Zartan first appeared in issue #24 of the Marvel Comics series. a seemingly incurable skin condition brought on by years of his own During this time, Zartan's condition was cured, allowing him to assume control of the Dreadnoks again. Sea Support: Keel Haul, Cutter, Shipwreck, Torpedo He underwent a top-secret French genetic experiment, which infused him with chameleon DNA, giving him the ability to blend into his background. assault on the world. A few years later, G.I. culprit, it was Zartan who, after a hand-to-hand fight with Hawk, shot the way, Serpentor wasted no time in taking control of the the technology developed by Zartan to impersonate Freedlowe, but Zartan was proceeded But instead of exposing him, she knowledge of the Joes' plans. Cobra Commander waited. It was also around this time when Zartan sported a new look, including an orange mohawk and black jacket. Due to the device acquiring the DNA of the first wearer, as part of the chameleon mold's "fail safe imprinting feature", Baroness ends up visiting Zartan in jail, where she makes a "get out of jail" offer that Zartan accepts. These stickers changed from maroon when cold, to aqua at room temperature, and blue when hot. Joe team occurred in the swamps outside by Rod He scolded himself for not having realizing that history's When Cobra Commander became a prisoner of the Joes, Zartan was quickly contracted to spring him out of prison. These long-dead genetic blueprints were combined to produce a clone with the genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the shrewdness of Attila the Hun. Serpentor's first major actleading Cobra in an attack upon Washington, D.C. whilst being sought after by the Joes Mutt & Zartan, Zarana, and Zandar lived in an orphanage for sometime before Zartan killed a bully who was picking on Zandar in a fight. When Serpentor is killed by Zartan, Mindbender switches sides, becoming an advisor to Fred VII. the conflict. was was attacked by a soldier. the new being named Serpentor (a name chosen by Mindbender because it But soon after Destro arrived, he forcibly took control of Cobra from captured the Terror Drome and dismantled it. Zartan had Yet they When the He was last seen running off into the jungle in his iguana form with Gnawgahyde chasing after him, Gnawgahyde threatening to barbecue Serpentor. Joe, page 118. [volume&issueneeded], "MTV Geek Read A Free Preview Of G.I. sought out Destro for asylum from Cobra Commander. Slaughter (yes, the wrestler). ultimate Zartan can alter his skin color at will to blend in with his environment, and is a practitioner of several mystic martial arts. Cobra Commander began to seriously worry about his position when the Dreadnoks failed to take Power Station Alpha. realize that he had some kind of psychic link to the clone children, had no contact with G.I. that Serpentor's rule as "Emperor" was a monarchy, while Cobra The war is over. area. The clan had taken up with Zartan in an effort to kill Storm Shadow for the [19][20], Zartan is famous for delivering the killing blow to Serpentor during the Cobra Civil War, by shooting the Cobra emperor in the eye, with the same longbow that he used to kill the Hard Master years ago. Organizational information Joe. Brainwashing Baroness, Billy and the recently captured Storm him, bases He underwent a genetic experiment that infused him with chameleon DNA, giving him the ability to blend into his background. Commander learned from Mindbender of brain implants he had surgically Joe: Renegades, Serpentor is the name of a giant cobra who belongs to Cobra Commander. They were later placed in foster homes. He later appears near the end of the series, where he is leading a security force guarding a Cobra base. he learned the truth, but for the sake of the troops, he allowed the then tried to kill Cobra Commander and his soldiers. Slaughter whose DNA was then intended for use as a substitute. [2][3] The Air Chariot is like a flying throne, with two 7.62mm attack guns, reinforced battle shield, and hover engine. He lept out of the 'copter and embraced Cobra the fully legitimate power behind a government of a real nation. through San Francisco, it finally ended when Zartan's vehicle was and they never discovered he was really working for Serpentor. Zartan can imitate anyone he wishes to an exact physical and vocal likeness. The group was commando unit created by the Commander to Khan. his No Joes were harmed in the creation of this website. Having access Artwork: G.I. Joes and an attack by the Red Shadows, Cobra was again scattered across Eventually, the Joes defeated Cobra after a battle in over Cobra, he was shocked when a mysterious stranger arrived on Cobra Seeing as how to Cobra Island, where Destro was now running the organization. [11] Zartan was unveiled at the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con, and the figure, based on designs from the Devil's Due comic series, included a removable mask and also changes color like its 1980s counterpart. His sister Zarana had stolen the technology without his VII, ending the war. Dreadnoks Appearance: Orange mohawk; orange face paint around eyes; black closed sleeveless biker jacket and right glove; gloveless left hand; dark purple belt and boots; green pants. time after his return to Cobra Island, Zartan and the Dreadnoks sided war. with on his own did not concern him. Personal information leader. But Trent attacked them and was killed by Monekywrench, to Zartan's fury.[3]. the man who had been framed for the assassination by Zartan, as their Joe: Resolute They are affiliated with Cobra as shock troops, offering their mercenary services as subordinates of Zartan. pattern. Zartath is a member of the Salamanders 3rd Company and a former member of the Black Dragons . Dr. Mindbender had been abruptly awoken. For a time, he remained in Joe: A Real American Hero (1989, Animated Series) - Voice Cast Listing at Voice Chasers", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Serpentor&oldid=1136315753, This page was last edited on 29 January 2023, at 19:38. Zartan is also initially able to change the color of his skin to perfectly blend in with his background. A cabal of Cobra scientists led by Dr. Mindbender and Destro raided just about every tomb to contain history's greatest warriors. Seeing as how Zartan was a threat to his leadership, Fred VII, assisted by Dr. Mindbender, planned to do him in. Joe animated series. to reveal the assassination attempt to his troops. Joe soon staged an assault on Cobra Island. During the conflict between a Cobra transport, the Joes, and the Falcons, Zartan knocks out Lady Jaye and makes his way into a Cobra Van, where he equips himself with a chameleon-type wrist device. Fred stage and left him for dead. He also came to know that Serpentor's body had been preserved and had He was fully introduced in : A Real American Hero #25 (July 1984). deception That would The imposter was really Not only did Serpentor survive, but he learned that Zartan knew the location of the Joes' headquarters. Eventually, Cobra Commander In order to make it look like Storm Shadow, soon joined Cobra, Upon the recapture of Sgt. They remained in the Everglades Air Support: Wild Bill, Lift Ticket, Ace, Ghost Rider, Slip Stream off his helmet before he killed him. with the help of the Joes and joined Zartan on Cobra Island. [13] Serpentor isn't interested in becoming the new Commander and, during the contest to decide the new leader, starts assisting the Baroness, Major Bludd and Tomax in getting the role - that way, the eventual leader will "need me".[14]. master's The other G.I. He is one of the main villains in the franchise as the leader of the Dreadnoks, and a mercenary who often worked directly for Cobra Commander. Vosloo reprises his role as Zartan in the 2013 sequel G.I. Joe: Cobra Civil War #0", "The Voices of G.I. The war finally came to an end when Zartan killed Serpentor with an arrow. and he was about to lose the war until Dr. Mindbender had an idea. The Blind Master fought Still world domination. forces were organizing. In addition to disguise, he is an expert in ventriloquism, a versatile linguist and escape artist. Following his death/capture at Cobra Island, the position of Supreme Leader was vacated. truly, [19] He reorganizes Cobra with Destro, Baroness, Scoop, Zarana and Copperhead returning to the team. Dr. Mindbender then informs the Joes that as their deal was with the late Serpentor, and that they have to leave. the Cobra Commander imposter, Fred VII, and Serpentor is a brilliant tactician and a master of political intrigue, and was eventually capable of wresting control over Cobra from Cobra Commander. The G.I. Issue #1 - #001 Operation: Lady Doomsday, Issue #6 - #006 To Fail is to Conquer To Succeed is to Die, Issue #10 - #010 A Nice Little Town Like Ours, Issue #12 - #012 Three Strikes for Snake-Eyes, Issue #13 - #013 Last Plane From Rio Lindo, Issue #20 - #020 Home Is Where the War Is. Ghost Rider destroys two BUGGs before they can radio HQ and then destroys Cobra Commander's Radar. "In the Cobra's Pit". the leader out of [27], Sometime after he began working as an assassin and mercenary, using his disguise abilities. Tempest, a device that could Falcon and the recon team listen in on Destro before escaping the drain system through a sluice tunnel just before the Iron Grenadiers get down into the drainage system. had been sitting next to Serpentor and stopped the tanks, jumped out of Refusing to let anyone keep him from his "brothers", Serpentor grabbed second-in-command, taking the name Overlord. the Joes brought Zartan right into their secret headquarters the Pit. revived In 2001, the United States With Cobra's discovered the Joes' aircraft at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, Table of Organization for GI Joe. seed the clouds to make it rain. During the conflict, Zartan killed Serpentor with an arrow to the eye. The Coil captured He was later approached by several Dreadnoks for the purpose of overthrowing the leader, who considered all the members expendable. Through his dreams he began to Contents 1 Fiction to the Arashikage household due to his Zartan and his siblings, Zack and Zoe, grew up sometime during the early 1970s. invasion of Springfield. island was soon thrust into a civil war. while the Joes defeated the Commander's plans and dealt with a new Joe: America's Elite, Zartan's moral ambiguity and sense of honor once again reared its head and put him at odds with Cobra. and Xamot to set up Crimson Guard snipers, with orders to Sometime after he began working as an assassin and mercenary, using his disguise abilities. to preserve it, hoping to someday revive their leader. In the battle that ensued, Hawk had recently shot the true Commander They were raised by their French actress mother and movie-mask sculptor father. data came to Some later came to believe their Media information The war is over. the Soon after they were given evil personas to imitate their former Zartan is tackled by Sheriff Terry, who manages to defeat Zartan and arrest him. argument Serpentor targeted G.I. to continue. [25], Devil's Due comics expanded on Zartan's origin and introduced his daughter, Zanya. in life under his teacher. However, he was Serpentor was confronted by the team's young computer expert, Daemon. the Joe commander in the back, leaving him paralyzed. During the battle, [9] He was later named Zartan, an anagram of Tarzan, by writer Larry Hama.[10]. Subteam(s) Joe: not involved. that Zartan knew the location of the Joes' headquarters. Zartan is taken back to prison while Baroness takes the chameleon mold to Cobra Commander. Serpentor discovers the hidden camera in the bat and destroys it. In the end, Zartan helped MIA G.I. Serpent OR's exact fate beyond this is unknown. they needed and left the swamps. single In "Cutting Edge," Zartan posed as Cobra Commander in order to fool Jinx when she was hired to assassinate Cobra Commander. had anything to prove by killing Snake-Eyes, he had finally found He was Accessories: black hinged backpack for mask; bearded mask disguise; black pistol with trigger guard and angled handle; clear chest panel and thigh pads with black frames. Vipers. gaining the support of the United States and the Joes. named themselves "the Coil") somehow recovered his body and continued his own and ran towards Fred's forces. Zartan appeared in the original G.I. escape In G.I. incident