Electrolytes are especially important if the weather is hot and/or humid and/or if you are a heavy sweater or a salty sweater. You may be carrying some food, but you should also know what will be available at the aid stations along the marathon course. Since this process takes time and requires lots of water, it means fluids can slosh around in the stomach for a while, potentially causing problems.. You hear this when runners mention that the gel or drink that tasted so good at mile 5 made them want to vomit at mile 20. UCAN 2.93K subscribers Coach Greg McMillan joins Generation UCAN for a webinar on the top 3 marathon fueling strategies! Hydration for runners is of utmost importance and should be practiced continuously. I took 2 bars before the race and 2 during the race. Ready to try it?? One scoop provides 25g of carbohydrates and 310mg of sodium. It is always a good practice to start out adequately hydrated before a long run or race. Thanks Trevor, sorry I missed your reply! While Strategy #1 has been popular, it can be problematic and has led to the development of this new slow-acting carbohydrate strategy. 4-8 oz. Like any other muscle in your body, your gut needs to be trained to take on and absorb heaps of carbohydrates in the middle of a hard run. Here is what were going to cover in the rest of this article: How many calories you burn while running depends on three main factors: duration, intensity, and body weight. In most cases, runners should separate their fluids from their calories. -Jen M. I ran my first marathon this past Sunday and I am so proud of myself! At first glance, I was concerned with isomaltooligosaccharide one of those long ingredient names that falls into the if you cant pronounce it, dont eat it trap. They recommend one every 60 minutes. Join us as we tag along with her for a workout. Super simple. Strategy 2 - Slow Acting Carbohydrates It is vegan and gluten free., so great for a vegan ultramarathoner or marathoner. So, runners learned that we need to fuel during the marathon and this research coincided with the boom in the sports drinks industry. You can drink water to help reset your stomach if it starts to turn in the middle of your run. Most sports drinks and gels also include electrolytes. Try Run Team Free Our community of athletes, experts and ambassadors are changing the game and inspiring a new generation to say UCAN! It wasnt until earlier this summer that I took a closer look at what I was taking for endurance fuel and how a handful of those options affected my gut and performance. If you dont have to take the extra weight, dont. I think this is probably a good product (I tried it once) but the orange flavor contains erythritol, which is a sugar alcohol that upsets my stomach. Save 10% on all UCAN products by using this link. Again, youll want to experiment during training for your long run fueling strategy and see what works best for you. For UCAN, drink a serving of Energy Powder 30-60 minutes before the start and then 1 serving Edge Energy every hour. Avoid the highs and lows of sugar-based fuels with our slow-releasing SuperStarch ! Generation UCAN makes fueling for a marathon simple, whether you're a competitive athlete and running to win, or focused on fitness and running to lose. Third, just because its an easier method doesnt mean you wont need to experiment. I introduced a co-worked to it recently, and she says it has totally made her long runs better and recovery more easy. Running longer runs and marathons without fuel means energy levels, and blood sugar levels, fade over time. Once they move up to longer distances, the errors in their nutrition approach are revealed, often resulting in the dreaded bonk (aka hitting the wall). Another big plus is that the regimen on race day is much simpler. Drink 1 serving of the UCANSports Drink Mix30-45 minutes before the race starts. Protein bars. Thank you again! While the blood glucose level is really important to fuel your brain, running also pulls some glucose from the blood so as you run your marathon, you need glucose in the blood to supplement the intramuscular fat and carbohydrates that are the primary fuels for marathon running. We offerfree shippingfor all orders $200+. This is an important step to having your gut able to tolerate different carbohydrate foods. Thanks for reading the blog and your question. 2-3 hours before activity drink 20 oz. They are small, easy to use, and can be consumed in two seconds. Depending on the marathon's start time, you don't necessarily need to consume a full breakfast before the race. Their sport hydration drink mix mixes with water and provides calories and electrolytes. water or sports drink) every 15-20 minutes, Train yourself to drink during exercise if this is new to you. PodcastFest! You can learn more about this nutrition strategy in The Performance Zone: Your Nutrition Action Plan for Greater Endurance & Sports Performance, by John Ivy and Robert Portman. Read on through the rest of this article, and soon youll be able to put together your marathon nutrition plan. The energy source that powers UCAN energy products is called LIVSTEADY, a low glycemic, complex carbohydrate that breaks down at a steady rate over time, almost like a time-released source of energy. You hear, 5 Steps to Nailing Your Best Half-Marathon Race Pace. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As with most things in running, its hard to find a one-size-fits-all with marathon fueling. Stations in destination locations like Santa Barbara, Napa and Truckee mean weekend getaways with your FCEV. This will give your body enough time to process the carbohydrates while constantly filling up your glycogen stores. After suffering GI distress and bonking, I searched for a powerful on-the-run fueling alternative. UCAN simplifies marathon nutrition for runners. 1 serving contains 15g LIVSTEADY carbs and 20g of protein (both whey protein and pea protein options are available). As a professional runner and nurse anesthetist, Sarah Sellers relies on UCAN to energize smarter before her morning long runs. Dont forget to practice your fueling strategy in training and adjust based on the sessions duration and intensity. Dont overload them all at once. Stomach issues or GI distress is one of the most common challenges faced by marathon runners. Add caffeine if you like. P..S. loved your Belin race recap, I am a huge fan of your podcast, keep up the good work! Nailing your nutrition is a key aspect of marathon training and racing. It did not take me long to figure out that I could cut them into easily manageable bite-sized pieces that were easy to transport and easier to chew on the run. Marathon Nutrition Blueprint - Runners Connect The Guaranteed Formula To Never Hit The Wall Again GET MINE NOW - $79 This is a one-time payment and you get lifetime access, so you can get custom race fueling plans for any future races from the half marathon to the ultra. First and foremost, every endurance athlete must practice with various nutrition options before race day. If you are traveling for a race, make sure to bring some of your usual pre-workout fueling options as well as plan ahead and search the area you will be staying in to find some options for pre-race fueling. Consuming 2 servings of UCAN pre-race will allow you to go longer before needing to re-fuel. Low-calorie electrolyte mixes not only provide fuel and hydration but also increase absorption of carbohydrates. Here are some tips on fueling with UCAN during a workout: Consume 1 serving Edge every 45-60 minutes during exercise. Osmolality is a term describing how quickly a solution clears your stomach and enters the gut. I too struggled with the gus and hammer gels for my first 3 marathons. fructose and glucose) and maltodextrin have been used in a big way by sports nutrition companies to fuel runners. You shouldnt need any solid food during a marathon, as this will be difficult and maybe even painful to process mid-run. LEARN MORE ABOUT RECOVERY NUTRITION FOR RUNNERS. ", American Marathon & Half Marathon Record Holder, U.S. Olympian, "UCAN was my secret weapon to help me win the NYC Marathon, the Boston Marathon, and qualify for the Olympics at age 40! Or only in training runs? I had GI issues from time to time, and wanted something that would give me a boost without side stitches or other dilemmas. Easy-medium. I'm sure if I spent the money and experimented I could learn more though. But after all, I am not using these for a flavorful sensation. I used Gu gels, and later Hammer Nutritions versions, for my long-distance runs and races. Dilute the carbohydrates with more water later in the race to account of the compromised GI tract. Some questions you might ask yourself, and test in training, to dial in your UCAN usage: You should use the nutrition that you plan to race with for your training as well for the following reasons: All of these reasons are best covered during a race simulation day where your intensity level and length of workout is as comparable as possible to what you will actually do on race day. After working with thousands of marathoners from charity marathon groups to Boston Qualifiers to Olympians, I wanted to provide a quick overview of the three most common strategies that Ive seen work. Chat With Us, Privacy Policy | Contact Support | Terms and Conditions. UCANs breakthrough complex carbohydrate, LIVSTEADYTM, delivers consistent energy and helps maintain stable blood sugar. The only app with personalized training plans designed specifically for real people who want to accomplish something amazing in endurance sports. All Rights Reserved. What to eat while running a marathon is so individual. Adjusting your fueling based on your run intensity in training is essential. At UCAN, we believe in the combined power of innovation, science, and sports nutrition. Stand at the 25-mile mark of any marathon and youll see lots of runners (and Ive been one) who clearly stopped fueling adequately and are left to struggle to the finish line. If youre taking in sugary sports nutrition, do it later in the workout. Top dietitians, elite trainers and more than 400 professional UCAN Edge - - Long run fuel 70 calories (less than half of most gels) with 19 grams of carbohydrates and 55mg of sodium. UCAN marathon fuel: Utilizing a super starch they claim both no stomach issues and no crashes. In general, before a long run or race, youll want to decrease your fiber intake such as beans, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds, etc. With some experimentation, you can use more or less UCAN each feeding and/or take it more and less frequently. I am so happy that I stumbled upon the MTA podcasts and am excited to be a part of this group! On Sunday I completed the Austin Marathon. Using UCAN pre-run is the best way to ensure you have steady energy throughout. If the run is longer than 2 hours, I carry a Maurten gel with me and I take that when I have 5 miles left to go. You can concentrate the Energy Powder with 4-6 oz. Blog When I use UCAN, I drink a full serving of the Energy Powder 30 minutes before I start. I am a Registered Dietitian with my Masters in Public Health. First, you dont get the high from the sugar rush at every feeding. You can move it up or down to understand how much weight makes a difference in marathon nutrition. Most traditional sports nutrition with simple carbs provide a spike and crash effect, and youre left managing the sugary roller coaster. If you have a misstep in your fueling protocol, then you might end up running out of energy or hitting the wall. I tried two of Ucans five flavors chocolate and cinnamon swirl. Low-calorie electrolyte mixes not only provide fuel and hydration but also increase absorption of carbohydrates. I just feel like it gives me an extra bit of pep. Electrolyte needs are very individualized but a good starting point is to consume 500 to 1000mg of sodium per hour during exercise. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Motivation | Community | Knowledge All runners need to start practicing pre race meal for the morning of the race. As Ive advocated before, carrying your own fuel allows you to control what and when you feed so you arent reliant on the race to provide the same concoction youve been training with. Plus, the tangy, citrus flavor provides a refreshing treat when you feel like you've hit a wall. Now, I dont see this as a problem given todays hydration packs but if a runner isnt prepared to carry, then this strategy will not work. -Jayme N. Use our referral number MTA to save 20% on your order. Running coach and exercise scientist Greg McMillan and Generation UCAN share the secrets to running your best marathon. and college teams rely on UCAN to be at their best. But if you start fading near the end of your workout, you might need a little bit more fuel onboard. With all this talk about eating, fueling, running, and food, it is inevitable that we talk about ideal running weight. Hi there! They do not cost you anything to use, but are a huge help to support the ongoing content creation process. Dilute the carbohydrates with more water later in the race to account of the compromised GI tract. Here, were going to take you step-by-step through the crucial fueling windows for a marathon. The general recommendations are to consume 30-60g of carbohydrates per hour (some people need more, especially if fueling for an ultra-marathon) after the first hour of exercise. Without the right marathon nutrition plan, your engine is running on empty, your body wont have the building blocks it needs to adapt, and you wont hit your goals. Heres how to use UCAN in your training. The development of SuperStarch evolved from the, LEMON ENERGY POWDER (30 SERVINGS) BEST ENERGY BOOSTER UCAN, PLAIN UNFLAVOURED ENERGY POWDER (30 SERVINGS) BEST ENERGY BOOSTER, UCAN Watermelon Hydrate Electrolyte Powder Drink (Jar). Aim to consumer mostly liquids such as energy gels, plus electrolyte mix and water. To avoid this crash, sports nutrition companies recommend re-dosing about every 30 minutes with a sugar-based energy gel, or to continuously sip at a sugary sports drink. You just get your carbohydrates once every hour and then just need to drink water and electrolytes in between. You breathe heavily and, You dont have to be a runner for long before you, I love the 5K. This is essentially to try to get you to stabilize energy and blood sugar levels. The fueling begins 15-30 minutes before the race start. This carbohydrate is manipulated by heat and water so it is absorbed more slowly to avoid the spike and crash. You dose frequently with fast-acting carbohydrates to boost blood glucose levels. NO SPIKES, NO CRASH Avoid the highs and lows of sugar-based fuels with our slow-releasing SuperStarch ! By the end of this article, youll know how to execute the perfect marathon nutrition strategy on race day. Fuel early and often! Nothing new on race day. An important part of taking in carbohydrates during the race is to take them with water, and take them consistently. And recent neuroscience research shows that if the brain senses carbohydrates when you are feeling tired, it quickly experiences less fatigue so you can power through to the finish line. This makes sense, of course, because even if you arent running a marathon, your blood glucose level will fall after 2-4 hours. Meb is considered one of the top American Distance runners of the last 2 decades. You also need to practice your calorie intake in pre-race training sessions in order to train your gut. I like UCAN energy before races. The others are chocolate peanut butter (sounds amazing), peach passion (worth a try) and coffee bean (yuck, I am not a fan of coffee). It is recommended to mix this with 20-24 oz. The advantage of Maurten is that it allows you to take in more calories and carbohydrates over the course of your run, which has shown to enhance performance. More recommendations here for what to eat the night before a long run. Instead, you use slow-absorbing carbohydrates that maintain a steady blood glucose level and are kinder on a dehydrated GI tract. 8 2/3 tbsp cornstarch or tapioca flour ( (70 grams)) 1 packet True Lemon drink enhancer 1/8 tsp salt 1/8 tsp Morton's Lite Salt 16 oz water Mix all ingredients together and pour into two 8 ounce fuel bottles. Drink a 2nd serving of UCAN around 15km and a 3rd serving around Mile 25. The more you can take in and use, the better off you will be. It is a mixture of short-chaincarbohydrateswith a digestion-resistant property. . Eating before a long run or race helps to provide extra FUEL for the muscles and the brain. Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. I have to admit I don't use anything and maybe i'd get my sub 2:50:00 if I experimented more. An average marathon runner, for example, may target 30-60 grams of carbohydrates consumer per hour during a marathon. You know what they say about the best-laid plans Marathon nutrition is not as simple as writing a plan and executing it. After all, you just need to avoid low energy (physically and mentally) in the last 10K of the marathon to hold your pace and achieve your goal. I dont feel the soreness or aches and pains after a long run and I still have energy 2 or 3 hours later. Although the packaging a bit bulky compared to others. The secret is out! Before discovering Maurten, I always had the UCAN Energy Powder 30 minutes before the race. Dialing in your nutrition approach takes time since trial and error is the most effective way to arrive at a nutrition approach that works for you. So it's important to train my body to digest those gels. Have I dialed in my preferred quantities and do I own what I need to easily transport my UCAN? Dont try anything new on race day. For all but the last 30-45 minutes, use the Strategy 2 regimen above. Many people rate UCan as a great product for sensitive stomachs. You can choose either theUCAN Sports DrinkMix or theProtein-Enhanced Drink Mix. The lighter you are and the less body weight you have, the fewer calories you will burn. UCAN comes in powder and portable forms, so it can be mixed as a liquid or carried like a gel. FREE SHIPPING Get a free shipping on all orders over $200 (Australia), HAVE A QUESTION? Generation Ucan bars deliver on the most important test. For most runners, the best marathon fueling strategy is to consume their calories in liquid gels while also consuming water or a low-calorie electrolyte mix. The best solution is to separate your fluids from your calories. Here are some tips to get started: Here are some tips on fueling with UCAN during a workout: Refueling with Energy + Protein after a tough session helps your muscles recover while giving you a consistent release of energy so you dont crash. High osmolality means that there are lots and lots of small molecules in a given space, and each one of them needs to be transported (by water molecules) through the stomach barrier and into the gut, says Bob Seebohar, former U.S. Olympic sports dietitian and founder of eNRG Performance. -Sharon W. First marathon in the books! Ahead of race day, you should be able to lay out your race-day nutrition with the exact amount of total calories you need for the race. Other things to consider include texture, taste, flavor, caffeine amount, and portability (how will you carry it?). You can practice various methods of carrying and consuming your nutrition so that on race day you are not burdened with anything more than the physical goal youve set for yourself. Some may not consider fat a nutritional value but being able to burn fat makes it worthwhile. As a result, most runners begin their search for their optimal marathon fueling with this traditional fueling method. Heres the back-story: As you run the marathon, your gut gets dehydrated and blood is shunted away from it to the working muscles. Instead, we can focus on a high quality pre-run meal and a high quality post-run meal over our quick fuel. UCAN's breakthrough complex carbohydrate, LIVSTEADY, delivers consistent energy without the unhealthy, jittery blast you get from caffeine and sugar-laden products. So glad I found UCAN! Ask 100 marathoners how they fuel and youll get 100 different answers. I use Maurten in long runs when I want to "practice" my race fueling. Sign Up to Receive a Weekly Newsletter with Top Running Tips, Best Running Belts That Wont Slip or Bounce and Carry it All, How Far Did I Run? Marathon Fueling with Pro Runners Sara Hall, Emma Bates and Coach Greg McMillan Marathon Fueling with Pro Runners Sara Hall, Emma Bates & Coach Greg McMillan Watch on In this blog, we dive into the fueling routines of some of the fastest women marathoners in the world. Energy bars. From staying adequately hydrated, to training your gut, to taking in enough fuel, these are some of the logistics that marathon runners need to consider for fueling during a marathon. It does contain erythritol as a sweetener, so be sure to know how that effects your digestive system. Rough guidelines are 30-90 grams of carbohydrates per hour in this strategy. They have 2 types of gels and 3 drink mixes. Username or email *, Email address *. What if You Have Stomach Issues During a Marathon? The number revealed by the Marathon Nutrition Calculator is more than just a number you cannot fuel your marathon with equal amounts of chocolate cake, sports gels, or broccoli and expect the same result.Not all calories are created equal when it comes to marathon nutrition and fueling your training session. On the one hand, if you continue drinking your fluid calories, you could seriously upset your stomach and experience cramps, GI stress, or worse. Maurten uses a hydrogel technology that makes the fuel super easy to digest and quickly accessible as you run. I had some stomach discomfort but I knew that the carbs would do me good. I, myself, made the switch to this strategy a few years ago and found it to easily overcome the issues I had with the spike/crash and GI upset in marathons (from using Strategy #1). For example, a runner might use UCAN or another slow-acting carbohydrate for the bulk of the race but then supplement with a fast-acting gel or sports drink in the last 30-45 minutes for the sugar high. Some runners even choose a caffeinated fast-acting carbohydrate source for an even bigger mental boost. I'd be interested to try Maurten someday. In the 6-12 weeks leading up to your race, you should be practicing your race-day nutrition strategy in training. It can no longer tolerate as concentrated or as much carbohydrate as it could earlier in the race. UCANs breakthrough complex carbohydrate, LIVSTEADY, delivers consistent energy without the unhealthy, jittery blast you get from caffeine and sugar-laden products. For food/food-like products, ingest every 30-60 minutes depending on the product. Having breakfast before a marathon creates a buffer like nutrition insurance which provides you with some extra carbohydrates if you under-fuel during the race. Usually my long runs last a maximum of 2:45. I also eat an English muffin with almond butter to go along with my Maurten Drink mix. As a pro, hes won 22 National Championships and has been named to three United States Olympic Teams. It was a part of my routine in the NFL, during my recovery, and I use it daily. Consider 1-2 servings of. HOW DOES SUPERSTARTCH WORKS FOR DELIVER STEADY ENERGY? Ultra runners have done this for years and a visit to any ultra aid stations will look more like a buffet at potluck party than the usual tables of water and sports drink (and the occasional gel station) at most marathons. Like many newbie runners, I used Gu Energy gels for my initial half marathons and marathons. Liquid sources of calories are best for marathon training and racing because of the pounding effects of running. Required fields are marked *. I finally feel like Ive solved the fueling puzzle for my runners.. This seems to provide the best of both worlds. (You will also hear 150-350 calories per hour in addition to 24-32 ounces of fluid containing electrolytes.).