For the Wyvern Lord path, he would get 5 more levels of Brigand, 10 levels of Wyvern Rider, then 15 levels of Wyvern Lord. Thanks for your input, everything you said, and in particular this point will be good for me to keep in mind as I continue to progress. Felix usually is in my party either as a War Master or Assassin. Dark Knight is another choice since a little less mobile than Wyvern Lord but you keep access to her spells and also the Dancer battalion that is popular on her. I've been switching the speed ring between him and Byleth up until now but I just got my evade ring from Ch13 so I'll take your advice and stick that on him . She hit several Magic stat boosts on level up pretty early and was the only one with a 3 range attack through Thoron for quite some time. 2000's hottest lms - nominated for four Oscars (including BEST PICTURE) and the winner of the BEST SCREENPLAY Golden Globe. The issue is further emphasized because there's restrictions and time limits. Similar to Dedue just up the brawling path. Up front, I prefer to focus heavily on Battalions as I find it a very fun way to specialize different units besides how powerful gambits are. She was perhaps a little stronger in terms of magic power (though that might be due to how I generally use lower power, more accurate spells with most of my mages), but had poor accuracy. Late: Damage I wish I could have 9 more of her on my team! Class Progression: Monk>Mage>Bishop>Dancer I guess I look at things a little differently. She can cast Rally Strength/Speed on any single ally within 9 tiles, and Canto away afterward. Lategame is the majority of the post-timeskip section. Other useful information can be about equipment setup and battalions. Ferdinand in particular becomes the dodge king. In this episode, which takes place in Chapter 19 and covers The Silver Maiden (the Dimitri paralogue) and Saving Derdriu, Cyril has uncomfortable questions, . You cannot paste images directly. I did utilize repo on all my fliers which made some parts (Manuela paralogue specifically) very easy. Early: Damage- Myrmidon - Brigand - Hero - Enlightened One, Sword Prowess Lv5, Swordfaire, Sword Crit +10, Death Blow, Axebreaker, Final Lv. Any other route? Anyway, I haven't finished a maddening run yet and I'm learning that the game is in fact quite dynamic with changing tactics from the early game compared to mid or late game. Marianne -, Class Progression: Priest > Bishop > Valkyrie > Holy Knight(unlock) If you'd like to contribute a build, here are some suggestions for the format and requirements for keeping this a decent quality reference (An example is posted in the next comment below): It might make more sense to have the builds submissions each in their own separate post. By the way, not sure where you're at right in the game right now, but equip Swordbreaker on Dimitri and give him an Evasion/Speed Ring along with a variety of lances (Iron+, Silver+, Killer+, etc.) Annette wants to be a Wyvern Lord. She is also a translator and an editor for Francophone . This evasion was used in similar fashion in Ch. Early: Damage-, Support, Healing This also brings more exposure to some of the quality posts others have put in time and effort to share. DLC use was odd. Class Progression: Fighter >Brigand(mastery skill) > Armor Knight(unlock) > Pegasus Knight > Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord He can even take some hits from mages but not a lot. Advice: unconventional Ingrid class progression, Wyvern is my favorite class in the franchise but 3H made me hate it a bit. Because she does have a weakness in heavy armor skill. This is the best choice for our main character as a sword user. Clear editor. Imo her fun niche is as a flying axe-wielding magic user, since lysithea can cover for you in the infantry magic department. I contemplated taking Caspar to War Master but decided I wanted to go for S+ Brawling instead of raising Axes up for War Master and Fierce Iron Fist is just too good to pass up. Class Progression: Fighter>Brigand>Archer>Sniper - Yuri Gagarin, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Having 12 def at around level 12 was incredible for surviving, even if her damage was player phase loaded. Armor Knight was only for the unlock, she was a tank as a Mage with 12 starting Def for most of that time period. I only wish she had Mire like Hubert! Bolt Axe+ still outdamages her spells and outranges them until S-rank (then it ties). I'm also under the impression that NG+ is relatively easy making the need less important. The only spell that she gets that attacks a weakness is Excalibur, but it only gets bonus damage on fliers, which you can get anyway with any bow. That said, from my own play through, I'm aware that they are both very strong with a bow. 35:Highest Stats Strat 38, Cha at 46, Primary Items: Silver Sword+, Brave Swordand SOTC, Battalion: Black Eagle Heavy Axes +7PAtk, +10Crit, -10Avo, +8Prt, +2Rsl, +10Cha. Monk - Mage - Warlock - Valkyrie - Gremory, Reason Lv5, Dark Tomefaire, Dark Magic Range +1, Fiendish Blow, Uncanny Blow, Final Lv 38: Highest Stats Mag 45, Dex 37, Battalion: Timotheos Magi Corps +8MAtk, +10Hit, +10Crit, +2Prt, +5Rsl, +7Cha. Late: Damage, Dodge Tank I didn't want to try and train up Riding and miss out on S+ weapon rank for the damage boost. End: Damage-, Support. Following is the (hopefully) growing list of builds that people have kindly shared. But shes quick to die in one hit. "I came back from space, and as I returned, I had one vision the world set ablaze!" Best class option for Annette is dark knight as it gives her the most movement for dance gambit/rallies while still providing some magic utility. End: Damage, Support. FE Heroes Friend Code: 0995423310, Fate/GO Friend Code: 243,371,655, Official Husband of Lady Azura from FE:Fates, Wyvern is my favorite class in the franchise but 3H made me hate it a bit, Advice: unconventional Ingrid class progression. Best Classes for Each Character This tier list will show who are the best units in Fire Emblem Three Houses (FE3H). ), the units getting dispatched generally dependent on weapon triangle advantage or enemy class type (e.g. The route is Crimson Flower. She's basically the best pick for the endgame's dick move. Of notable recognition is that he was also the only other unit that could reasonably tank a hit besides Edelgard and not be near death. Focus on leveling her Faith skill . And I think the answer depends on many things including play style, what people set as their bar for what constitutes a "strong" build, maybe even rng during level ups. Caspar was very solid throughout the mid-lategame. I also think it's a waste to use her as a dancer because that forces you to choose between dance or rally when you already have to choose between rally or attacking/healing. All that to say, she fell off hard in the late game and become one of the weakest damage dealers in the group. Without the DLC, Annette likes ending on Dark Knight. Farewell, My Lovely - Raymond Chandler 2002-06-11 The riding classes help maintain his overall stats but the Thief / Swordmaster / Assassin classes are good to develop his speed which I think is more important for Maddening. Leonie was technically in the party for the end of Mid, but didn't see much happen there. Similarly, nomatter what benefit you get from Wyvern Rider/Lord, they won't make up for Annette's poor growths in strength, defense,or speed. Lance Prowess Lv5, Lancefaire, Death Blow, Aegis, Swordbreaker, Final Lv 36: Highest Stats Strength 33, Cha 35, Primary Items: Gradivus, Spear of Assal, Silver Lance+, Battalion: Black Eagle Calvary +7PAtk, +20Hit, +5Avo, +5Prt, +10Cha. Cavalier and Paladin were important for the times I wanted an extra rider, which were many. Golden Deer Maddening: Team Building Guide (Other Helpful Guides Linked in Description) Mason 70K views 2 years ago 10 ESSENTIAL Gameplay TIPS AND EXPLOITS in Fire Emblem Engage You Can Learn &. Dmitri is better as Paladin for Canto and the extra move, Ashe should be Sniper. Table of Contents Best Classes Protagonist Character Black Eagles House Blue Lions House Golden Deer House Ashen Wolves House Church of Seiros Knights of Seiros Non-faction Characters Other Strategy Guides In terms of the Gremory master class, I myself prefer giving that to Mercedes, as she's skilled with both Faith and Reason magic. End: Benched. He wound up worse than Felix, comparable to Mercedes's physical bulk.Felix - Which class should Annette be In a golden deer maddening run? By this I mean how a character build might fit into the context of a full team or how they might synergize with each other. Mid: Damage Kitchen, actually nvm she will just blow it up. I have not tried Annette Dark Flier, but her reason list is not great. I also gave her Dancer, so her Avo with a Sword was around 120. Dorothea was without question my greatest asset from beginning up to the time skip. worth, get the no question best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. Funny. I like to use Annette as a Wyvern Lord, so she can make good use of her Hero's Relic, "Crusher" on Azure Moon, or make good use of Bolt Axes outside of Azure Moon. End: Damage, Dodge Tank I actually just finished my BL Maddening/Classic run last night. She ended up having fairly solid Strength and was my first S+ weapon rank unit which solidified her high damage. Late: Chip Damage. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. At first glance, Shamir's abysmally low Magic stat and late-game recruitment make her a terrible choice for any class that relies on Magic. Annette (along with Ignatz) is a very good rally unit. Etc. Advice: unconventional Ingrid class progression, Wyvern is my favorite class in the franchise but 3H made me hate it a bit. It's a good point about how they continue to grow, something I'll keep in mind. All are eventually outfitted with Alert Stance+, Weapon Prowess, Death Blow, Darting Blow, and their respective Weapon-breaker. He was able to not get doubled thanks to QR so that added some merit in baiting someone else if one of my dodge tanks weren't there. Bow Knight is worse than Sniper on maddening. Her best class is probably bench. Late: BIG Damage. Dorothea -, Class Progression: Mage >Dancer > Warlock(unlock) The way that I play is that I do my best to construct a party that can keep pace with the nuts AS of enemy units on Maddening, which is why most of the ultra-high speed characters in the game get used. I have rough memories of each stage of the game and will be going over what each unit was used for andwhen they had that role. They'd usually leave enemies barely alive, just like Lysithea did in the late game. The latter category will pretty consistently be out of your reach - you aren't likely to have more than one unit who won't get doubled by sword users/fliers even when you use rallies/dance on them, and there will be enough speedy units around for you to expect that lots of your army will have to engage them. But, at least Annette doesn't have a weakness in either Riding nor Lances. Requires you to have Gilbert on your team post-timeskip. Even if you don't plan on using her as combat unit, Annette is still plenty useful. Must I be in Black Eagles to take the Church route? Her stats are fine, even good, for a mage, particularly in the early game. Annette is totally usable early because of her Rally abilities on Blue Lion runs, and during that time she's an adequate mage. I raised her sword rank to give her an additional one shot option and picked up Vantage because it allowed her to have a relevant enemy phase for quite some time. Pasted as rich text. Noble>monk>mage>warlock until dark merchant> WL. how does it work in accordance with the level? Her major downside was that she could not take a single hit from anyone and so I decided to give her a Retribution gambit rather than have her getting up close at any point. Topic Funny Reference beltrunner19 2 years ago #2 I've. Annette -, Class Progression: Monk >Mage > Armor Knight(unlock) > Warlock > Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord Late: Healing, Magic Tank I also like her as a Dark Knight, TBH. I think I'd rather go for Dark Knight, so that I can make Mercedes my Gremory. I ended up replacing her with Lindhardt as my primary healer and kept her a dancer. His gambit usage was one of the primary benefits of fielding him and I kept Stride as his active battalion the entire game. Can you save scum certification exams or is it hard locked whether you pass or fail on a given day or not? Would you suggest Swordsmaster Ferdinand for avoidance? Thirdly, I feel that while there is a lot of discussion on character builds, I havent seen much consideration given to team builds. 6 Pokemon_Bakugan_Fan 1 yr. ago I think I'd rather go for Dark Knight, so that I can make Mercedes my Gremory. Just another site best class for annette maddening Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I ended up investing heavy into swords for Wind Sweep and I don't regret it. Hilda! [Pg 119] I forget how many bars the cadenza contains, but it is so long that the audience is apt to forget there is an orchestra. noble -> monk -> mage -> wyvern rider -> wyvern lord. She was able to one shot non-horses on the last map but I did feed her every mag booster I got. Before this, I had only beaten Crimson Flower on Normal difficulty. can i drink water between suprep doses. Attached are screenshots of some my characters in Ch12 (a real build should include full team). How did you use each character, did they fill a specific role in your team? The expected growth in each of these builds due solely to the growth rates of the classes insome key stats would be: Ferdinand (Paladin): 8.5 HP, 2.75 STR, -3 SPD, Ferdinand (Wyvern Lord): 9 HP, 3.75 STR, 1.5 SPD. To the French, the cinema is an art form. I used Constance in the first couple of chapters until I recruited Lysithea and then she was benched for the rest of the game. I forgot to mention its NG+ so Ferdinand wont be hard to recruit, would you suggest swapping Annette for Yuri because I remember her being very mediocre. Unfortunately, you can't really have a unit perform well as both a rally unit and a mage. 13 to Ch. Eventually, I swapped back to a real class, once the dodge tanks had fully come online and I didn't need extra healing anymore. This looks like you forgot to edit a copy/paste? I switched between the Fetters and Kadmos to give her more movement and more Def when necessary. Catherine was just better, especially since she wasn't in competition for limited flying battalions.