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I could have slept in. It's fixable. "Can you come to my Parent-Teacher Conference on next Tuesday?" Of course, most of his classmates found the labs to be the most interesting, but Peter found them one of the more boring parts of the tour. And maybe he's also Tony's personal intern and gets introduced to them all. Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Female) Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 Summary: (Y/N) never understood science based subjects, despite putting all her efforts into studying them. "Bye!" Will they notice before it's too late for Peter? Steve wore a fake moustache and a large hat, paired with his normal clothes, and beside him was Bucky. Comments: Angst oh my god. Tony took the suit and everyone he cares about is lying to him. That got him up. Requested by anon: I desperately need an extremely dramatic one-shot where Peter is in some theatre club in his school or something and is some behind-the-scenes type of guy, but everyone just drops their work on him, so he SNAPS at everyone, including the teacher(pls make her a cruel sorta person) and students and the principal? He falls unconscious in a very worried Tony Stark's arms. Please heed the trigger warnings and proceed with caution. Im Steve Rogers. A yawn ripped through his mouth, making him groan. you chirp, sliding in across from them. I DON'T DO STARKER, OR READER so won't be accepting these ones . I dont want to accuse you of giving him the answers, but at this rate, I have to. Mrs Mason finished her spiel leaving Bruce and Tony glaring daggers at her. [spider "To show you I'm serious, I'd do it a thousand more times only for you to admit it.". Spider-man and his angry friends Chapter 4, a Spider-Man + Supergirl Lets move along.. It was never this quiet in the house, but with the Avengers busy it seemed as if you can drop a pin and it would echo through the tower. Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist Dad? Intern Peter Parker - Works | Archive of Our Own Spidey gets injured and kidnapped with some of the avengers. Draco X Reader (Bullies Have Their Reasons) Summary: Draco has been patronizing you for as long as you can remember, it is only when Blaise decides to get in on the teasing that things become serious. I just wanna finish my coffee in peace without explaining myself to a walking PSA.. When the group got home, everybody was latched to Peter. I take requests. Also, Wanda and the good students will be reacting to it. "Oh my go-" "Hi, I'm Bruce Banner I'm a scientist and I'm Peter's uncle nice to meet you. Peter covered his mouth to stifle his giggles, Bucky and Steve leading the way up to the school with the chins held up proud, Steve holding Bucky's hand to 'make it more realistic' he said. Cute. But what happens, when the universe shows its power. "It's going to be so embarrassing. Shit. Unlike the last teacher, Peters photography teacher looked absolutely delighted to see Peter. He was Spider-Man. I cant believe her! When Peter is given the chance to go back and save everyone, he is sent back to before Civil War. Or: All the times Peter has a less than stellar introduction and the one time his reputation precedes him. Im Thor of Asgard and- Loki stop stabbing me for like two seconds- Im the god of thunder, Peters my nephew and I love him but hes not allowed to have mead even though- sweet Odin, Loki what the hell- hes a growing boy. gets the attention of The Remaining Avengers so the charity ends up being run from inside the lower levels of Stark Tower.Then about three weeks after The Snap, May is killed, leaving Peter, homeless, orphaned and living at The Avengers Tower without a guardian while trying to keep his Aunt's charity alive and keep Spider-Man's secret identity under wraps and without getting taken into custody by Foster Care. This is a story of how Peter's life was, when he was growing up. Adaptational Jerkass: In Homecoming and Far From Home, Mr. Harrison is at his best an ineffectual dork, at worst an Apathetic Teacher.Here not only does he make it clear he does not believe Peter when he says that he works at Stark Industries, but he has him sent to the principal office when he refuses to "admit" to forging Tony's signature, having his field trip and school activity privileges . Peter's history teacher was beyond surprised. The bell began to ring and for once in this curse it day Pete was happy. Five times that Tony and Peter's childhood experiences were unfortunately very similar, and the one time that Tony refused to let Peter take after him. Why do they keep pursuing him and how far are they willing to go till they catch him? Tony sighed. She eventually complied. When Tony and Steve find out, they comfort their son and take care of the problem. I feel so much better now., Definitely Worth It[jennylarner]Peter doesn't want to go on a field trip to Stark Tower. I have like loads of PhDs so I can guarantee Im smarter than you. There was some quick discussion before he was put on speakerphone. Yeah, Peter replies, content with where he was in life, ready to take on the world. also known as: Peter Parker and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. "Guys we're gonna be late, lets go." tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Flash Thompson starts working at Stark Industries and soon starts to wonder who is messing with all his projects. You being the one tasked to show Steve, Bucky, and Thor the ways of the internet. they are not being discontinued, just need more time.}. Peter is alone, everyone who he grows to care for dies. **********"Stop lagging and do your work," she huffed and walked away. Peter is finally meeting the avengers but not in the way he wants. MY BOSS & HER ASSISTANT | NATASHA X READER X As far as inappropriate relationships go you've played it fairly safe most of your life, well that' Harley Keener comes to visit the tower for a month or more. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Peter Parker and the Avengers one shots - Loki's Son - Wattpad Pepper Potts is Peter Stark's teacher, and she's reluctant to admit that there is more than just a professional teacher-family relationship there. With his emotions and faith at an all time low, Peter wanders around and suddenly finds . He's fine. He was SI's little genius. Just another site The teacher was already talking before the Avengers could even introduce themselves. Peter felt his blood burn an icy cold. Especially when someone was in danger. How will his family react? Peter Parker has a secret identity and he desperately wants to keep it that way. The superheroes gathered in the room smiled pleasantly at the young woman. #spideyson. A genius kid without an equal who grew up to shun his own genius in fear of being unaccepted. please enjoy, After the super hero registration act of 1998 the world was left without its greatest heroes, but after he is bitten by a genetically modified spider Peter Parker is thrust into a whole new world. Penis Parker! lgbtqia, songfic, tonyystark. Neglected Peter; Ignored Peter Parker; Ignored Peter; Summary. More tags might be added later. Peter watched the floor counter climb higher and higher until it was on the forty fifth floor. When Loki comes to the Avengers with Thor in his mortal age of fifteen as Odin thinks this is an acceptable form of punishment for his crimes against Midgard, Peter seizes his chance to make a friend. There will be a pair for every class, and when your turn is over, you sit in the car and wait. A Bullying Case, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Underrated Fics. It's just some collection of one-shots ,Tony Stark-centric, mostly focused on Irondad and Spiderson Relationships. Forgotten | An Avengers Fanfiction | - Hoshi - Wattpad (Avenger's high school AU, stories can be read in any order). ), It was parent-teacher conference day, and Peter was not excited. At least he hadnt thrown up his food. I will hurt them for this. Guess you'll have to read if want to see what shenanigans ensue! All alone, Peter must find a way to save the avengers, and the world. This is a story about a yandere version of Wanda Maximoff and a bullied Peter Parker. "You've had . not necessarily in that order, much to the confusion of his entire decathlon team. Ned was rambling about a new lego set he had gotten, which Peter thought was awesome, but he couldn't tell Ned so since Ned probably wouldn't hear him over the loud chattering of the hundreds of teens rushing through the crowded hallways. Oneshots con temtica spooky (esa es la intencin al menos) con Quentin Beck/Peter Parker como protagonistas (pero ms parejas probablemente sean incorporadas, lean las etiquetas para eso). Peter, the adopted son of Tony and Steve, feels like he's being ignored by everyone around him. Flash Thompson has bullied Peter Parker for as long they both can remember, but Peter can handle it. You being the one tasked to show Steve, Bucky, and Thor the ways of the internet. (cross-posted on wattpad). I don't own any of the characters unless I make one up, which will be evident as you probs won't recognise them. Peter is excited to spend the weekend at Mr.Stark's place. The Avengers walked to the first classroom of the day, chemistry. Youre Black Widow! He finally blurts out. Hey guys, I finally got around to finishing the fic I started back in July. One massive thunderstorm gathered on top of the United States of the America two days later. Peter Parker. So then why does Peters stomach erupt in butterflies every time the other teen is around him? Just some field trip ideas where Peter gets exposed or his family of Avengers embarrass him, etc. One was the Geneticist working for The Avengers, one worked with infants and babies, one was a veterinarian, and one was a Pediatric oncologist. This amazing human is turning this story into an audiobook!! He's got a dad, friends, aunts and uncles. "So are you up to coming over this weekend? Bullied Peter Parker Running Away Torture Tortured Peter Parker wade & the avengers Wade Wilson Needs A Hug Peter Parker Needs a Hug Supervillain Kidnapping Peter gets kidnapped avengers as a family Happy Ending Fix It well sort of alternatively titled: cotton candy clouds. In which Peter gets beat up by some school bullies and next thing he knows his suit it's flying him to the avengers compound. I also fought in World War II. Step one of the Peter Parker is awesome plan (Tony came up with the name, so don't blame Spidey okay?) The teacher repeats the question and he mumbles back a response quickly to avoid further attention. Thanks for reading! . (Slow Burn). ", That was when M.J. decided to sit down at the table. Featured Quizzes & Stories. You humans are odd-. Peter Parker along with Harley Keener, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, and Lila and Cooper Barton go on a field trip to their home Stark Industries or Stark tower. ", The two teens looked at Peter incredulously. Peter replied, hugging the books that didn't fit into his bag to his chest. Peter didn't wantto be beat up, but if he didn't, he knew Flash would do it on someone else, someone who couldn't deal with it, someone who couldn't fight back. (Ed #avengers Homecoming dance is up, and Tony has a free spider-baby night that is gonna spend locked in the lab. Midtown - Fanfiction | Marvel Amino Did he really not lay in bed, thinking about the insults thrown at him all day? They were already too far from the Tower to turn around and grab something and the restaurants they passed were all too far off the freeway. Mrs. Mason looked annoyed, Mr. "I don't think I can, sorry," I said. Despite choosing not to tell Tony about Flash, he had spent a decent amount of time making Tony promise not to give him any extra attention. Peter had lived with his Aunt May and went to the compound after school most days. Peter's having issues at school, and they're getting to the point where it begins to impact his behavior, anxiety and self-consciousness. "Yes boss, I already allerted the other Avengers." Ned squealed. By Posted jordan schnitzer house In strengths and weaknesses of a volleyball player I was though. Smooth Parker. Ned and M.J. watched Peter as he glared at the two of them. No one knows every secret of the universe. Mainly Peter's because that boy, like Tony, had no sense of self-preservation. No one could ever guess that The Avengers would fall to something known as The Peter Factor. As per popular demand, here it is. Peter didnt react, because his name was Peter and he didnt feel addressed by Flash. The Rogue Avengers meet Peter Parker and are completely surprised to learn that Tony has a son. He goes to a nice fancy school, and only sort of gets picked on. by Potterharry01. + All characters belong to Marvel except for a few here and there that i make up. Natasha, Tony, Steve, Bruce, Bucky, Clint. Optimal Advice comes just a bit of a while after the clone incident and Peter Parker 's breakup with Kitty Pryde. Peter greeted with a grin, sitting on his aunt's bed as she watched on the TV. ", Peter scowled, roughly gathering up his books and papers and standing up. Also - please go to YouTube and check out the channel PJs Reads. Avengers: Infinite Wars by free man writer is a crossover between Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which starts in a slightly AU-MCU post Ant-Man where Pietro survived the Battle of Sokovia and Scott and Hope became official Avengers.. 77 Peter almost tripped on his untied shoelaces as he ran into the kitchen, having awoken slightly late that morning. It's a beautiful day, really. Certainly from someone like Peter, who wasn't very important. Well, thats all of us then, Clint commented. . Ned asked me during lunch one Wednesday in mid December. Did he really not turn up at school with bandaids on his nose, which he blamed on patrol? Peter Parker's an outcast, sure. About what? Peter squinted at him, subtly leaning backward, away from the man. #irondad