What if he actually fulfilled the promise he gave to his sister? Everything changes. I have Greyjoy Alla Breve, an actually good self-insert by AndrewJTalon that has the North prevail through wits, science and technological superiority, rather than steamrolling everything with brute force or magic. So if you're a diehard Game of Thrones fan then you'll certainly enjoy these awesome Jon Snow fanfiction stories. You can search on just his name in the full story and enjoy it. Daenerys because it means he finally gets to see a dragon. Ned Stark Lives!, its second and third installments explore this what-if scenario as closely as George R. R. Martin could have written it. . In a thousand versions of this world, that phrase truly means very little beyond privilege and who you happened to be born to. Please consider turning it on! Jaqen H'ghar appeared briefly early in Ned and Arya's chapters, before returning in the sequel in Tyrion's chapters. - Summary - The Red Wedding has happened and the Old Gods are getting worried about what has happened. Since the banker is actually a Faceless Man, he doesn't let it go unanswered. Lord Eddard Stark left to quell the Greyjoy rebellion with his bannermen.He returned with his bannermen, a ward, and two direwolves at his heel. And as Ned Stark was about to be excuted, he decied enough was enough. Quick to love, quick to hate. I have replaced Jon Snow with a true born second son of Eddard. The night is dark and full of angsty Jon/Dany fic. After all winter is coming, - Links - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8149463/1/, - Keywords - Retelling, Ned stark lives, epic. [Completed, 40 chapters, 149,000 words, rated mature], Aryas finally gotten to work with the knights at Robert Baratheons summer faire, but it turns out shed rather spend time with the blacksmith. What she did not know was that she was going to be left in the North at 8 years old to one day become the wife of Robb Stark and just how much it would change her life. The Starks were the Kings of Winter, they bore the Direwolf as their symbol for it was the Direwolves they shared blood with. This is a North-centric story. Direwolves, language, and stories, all brought by the mysterious Shepherd. Arya notes, that had Ramsay not taken his helmet off the blow would have glanced off his helmet. A hotheaded, outgoing young man. Childbirth is dangerous. A different lady for Winterfell leads to a different fate for the realm. But little do they know that he is also one of most prolific lechers of his time, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. ' . When Catelyn dies after Robb Stark's birth, Ned is left free to marry Ashara Dayne, the woman he fell in love with at Harrenhal. Press J to jump to the feed. The Prince ascended as King of the Seven Kingdoms. Ned doesnt take Jon Snow north, he gives him to Oberyn Martell after they meet at Starfall. Theon still gets captured by Ramsey Snow but he manages to escape. Cue a torrent of emotions friendship; love, sisterhood, amongst other things. As the years go on, his hopes for a royal marriage wane more and more as he fears the gods' coin flip may have fallen for ill twice in succession. - Links - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11384558/144/. continues to be the only king out of the original lot to survive the war. 63 pages September 16, 2020 Bri45. Eddara, she said, after a moment as strong as a mountain, my lovely one.[Set before the books/TV show, completed, 17,000 words, rated mature]. Nothings the same after. he gets captured after peeing on Tywin's grave during the ironborn's raid on Casterly Rock. - Links - https://archiveofourown.org/works/17772719#main, - Keywords - old gods, religion of the north, world building, Ned stark, warging, magic, - Rating & Archive Warnings - teen and up, - Summary - A stranger in green robes brings changes and revelations to House Stark of Winterfell. [Ongoing, currently 13 chapters, 101,000 words, rated explicit], Some people, like Daenerys Targaryen or Joffrey Baratheon, are born to rule, whether to prosperity or to ruin. Also conspicuously absent is Petyr Baelish, who hasn't been seen since Part 1. Do not use the word "bastard" around Arya, unless you want to get all sorts of reactions from her. [1,800 words, rated teen], Lady Melisandre thought she knew how the story would play out, she thought she knew the mind of her god and the minds of men, but there was one thing she did not knowhow much a father could love his daughter. She could turn the Young Wolf in her ally. it implies that Bran will not return from his trip to Coldhands. Varys drops the title as he tells Eddard why he is in the Northern version of heaven. What impact will the quiet wolf bring to the realm? The preferred form of the Great Other when dealing with humans if Ned's vision and a Wildling legend are anything to go by. Only Wull fell on the Northern side. But Eddard Stark leaves the failed rebellion wounded. This is because Melisandre awakened her with Gendry's blood. After the Rebellion, the North has been closed off, working towards making it strong once more. To power that passes down through the bloodlines, different in every family, power that blooms and blossoms, changing the way a game plays out. And other ladies too, whose parts in this tale are further obscured, as often happens when histories are written by men. The story picks up soon after Ned Starks arrest and Sansa pleading for his life. And after seventeen years, when her husband met and named Ned his hand. Look, with a giant cast of characters, its impossible to even begin to touch on all the pairings and ships within Game of Thrones. Stannis is actually the first to point this out: it's mainly the Tyrells (especially Loras, angry over Renly's death) who refuse to cooperate. In those worlds, you know the story that plays out, the way the song of ice and fire ends, the curtains that close on bloodlines you come to love and loath. Sansa has to determine what she can change and what she has to accept to get a future she wants. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Roslin to Robb after her death in Part III, After Gendry gets arrested at White Harbour, they get news of Roslin's death in childbirth. Which happens, and eventually they get married in the weirwood. It manages to put Ned into a coma before it's defeated. If you like fics that progress the technological stage of Westeros as a whole, give it a look. The Night's King, during the Battle for King's Landing. A deal with Cersei leaves her married to Joffrey and doing her best to make it from one day to the next. In the south, Robb Stark & Jon Snow steel themselves for the trials of war. Everything changes. Dany finds some semblance of a home in the tiny town of Winterfell, Montana.) Thats it. The life full of adventure in the North had to be replaced with the dreadful scheme of the capital. So an older brother decides to take things into his own hands so his brother wouldn't spend Christmas alone. Along the way, he learns truths long-hidden and discovers love in the most unlikely of places. Tony was on a cot in a cave. Cersei's own actions end up creating the situation in which Maggy's prophecy is finally fulfilled. [Ongoing, currently 16 chapters, 38,000 words, rated teen], A brief look at Alayayas life as a whore in Kings Landing. Taking her to safety is easy enough; keeping her safe is a different matter. Ned Stark was the sole heir to his father, Lord Rickard Stark and inherited his title at the age of 25 years when his father suffered a massive heart attack. You show your father some respect! Roose Bolton tries to kill Robb because he killed Ramsay Snow in his trial by combat. Robb develops this feeling in regards to Theon. Robb Stark, after being killed by Ramsay during their trial by combat. He smiles. - Status - Complete (has complete Sequel), - Links - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12787665/1/The-Princess-of-Winter#end, - Summary - When the Northern Lords express their displeasure at Brandon Stark's betrothal to a southerner, Rickard Stark decides that the answer lies in his eldest daughter, Heddara. Or, I'm bitter about seasons 6-8 and want to re-do it all. This story is about Robert allowing Daenerys to live in Winterfell, betrothed to Jon to sully her line, rather than disgrace himself by murdering a baby. But for every thousand worlds of those, there is always one where Noble Blood refers to something literal. Waking up in a world that has turned upside down, Rhaegar Targaryen will have to put back togheter the shambles of his family. Instead, what if he had been removed from Kingslanding before Joffrey could give the order for his head? Noble Blood. I bet you would make a far better King than the Usurper would, wouldnt you? "Eddard Stark, my apologies for keeping you from sleep. Who is going to get killed by Jaime Lannister as . and our The Lannisters meant it as an insult when they arranged the marriage of Sansa Stark to Margaery Tyrell. But Westeros is still at war, and Sansa soon realizes that she deserves more than just passive survival and the people deserve more than a weak queen. When it stopswhen he pulls backits sharper than ice. Robb kills Theon after he becomes a self-aware wight and bows his head before Robb, mutely begging for a permanent death. Jon Snow considers the revelation of his true parentage to be one while Stannis suffers a mini, Tyrion admits to Kevan that Lancel had been having an affair with Cersei, that he played a role in Robert's death, and that Jaime is the father of Cersei's children. At the time, Ned was serving in the national army and had distinguished himself in combat, winning many medals and honours. Cersei certainly rued the moment she told Jaime to try to die with some dignity. He take his lessons seriously as he wants to be someone worthy to help his wild brother rule the North when the time comes and make his family proud. The result? [Completed, 75 chapters, 198,000 words, rated mature], One night shortly after his arrival in Kings Landing, Oberyn is approached in the gardens by a stranger, hooded and cloaked. Read it here on Archive of Our Own. (Modern AU. He returns at the end of Part II. Sansa held on to her naivete for as long as possible, but, standing before the entire court pleading for her father's life, she is forced to face reality. [Completed, 33,000 words, rated teen]. ORNed makes a different choice after the Tower of Joy. Just over two years ago I asked myself those questions, and with the encouragement of some wonderful people I started this story. It is AU and set in the modern Verse.Planned are 5 Chapters. When Aegon the Conqueror conquered Westeros, the oldest great houses in the realm formed a secret council to discuss how the Seven Kingdoms fared under the Targaryen dynasty. Keywords: AU canon divergent; mostly bookverse; Ned Stark/Ashara Dayne; smut; angst; fluff; political intrigue. Drogon pulls Arya away from Elianta's flames, killing Ramsay Snow in his trial by combat, Sansa just as she falls through the Moon Door, Littlefinger tries to blackmail Sansa into marrying Sweetrobin when he finds out that she was in an inn planning to have sex with the Hound, but she stabs him to death when he forcibly kisses her. A monster that claws it's way out when he's far too gone in a cold rage that Ned could never control. We are both, indeed. [1,800 words, rated teen], A Kings bastard is a dangerous thingElia is a Martell with enough Targaryen blood to know that for an absolute truth. With King Aerys growing more unhinged as each day passes, the Dragon Prince must secure his line in order to overthrow the Mad King. Now, with another bargaining chip in his possession, he has a chance to turn the war. The remains of which he lost when his love died. A story of hurt and healing and new beginnings. If three of mere fire made flesh should begin the trickle, then it is one of divinity made flesh that will bring the flood. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mothers forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. My friends, whether you first came to Westeros through the books or through the HBO show, Game of Thrones fan fiction is here for you. Is that all right? she asks softly. Implied to be what happens to all wights, as seen from Theon's point of view. Averted with Ser Axell Florent, who makes all sorts of unreasonable demands at White Harbor. Not only is Gendry Ned's son-in-law and the son of his best friend, he's Stannis' own nephew. If this land does not end in fire, salt or shadow first? which gave Hizdahr time to interrogate Missandei and learn Daenerys's plan. [Incomplete, 12 chapters, 48,000 words, rated teen], A Stark girl ruling Westeros alone was unprecedented enough, even without her unorthodox choice of guard, so Sansa had tread carefully when naming them, choosing her times and her methods with all the canniness shed learned at the hands of men like Petyr Baelish and women like Cersei Lannister. It was well-written enough, but I couldn't fathom Ned banning Cat from seeing her children. Quentyn tried to save the dragons, but got roasted. Just as he predicted, their bannersmen knelt as well so that the pair did not bend the knee "alone". For while a wild wolf is dangerous, a quiet wolf is deadly". How will this slightly different Eddard Stark impact the North? He failed thanks to Arya saving his life during the attack on the Night's Watch's recruits group. Littlefinger turns over to Stannis's sides after a failed attempt to get the Tyrells in Joffrey's favor. He wrapped a wolfs skin around a salmon but it shrugged the cloak off and looked towards the lands it had been fished from. So warten neue Aufgaben auch auf die treuen Gefolgsleute der Knige und "brderlichen" Freunde Eddard Stark, Lord von Winterfell und Faramir, Frst von Ithilien. The mission to get Lyanna back from the Tower of Joy pitted Ned Stark, Howland Reed, and Theo Wull, such as in canon, as well as Greatjon Umber and Tygett Lannister, against two of the Kingsguard, Lord Commander Gerold Hightower and Oswell Whent, Arthur Dayne having went missing during the Battle of the Trident.