Old Tom is now a hundred years old To just wear a mask This is a fantastic post. Now they've run out of Brexit my dears! Mummy, Daddy, Mary and Jean For that I am so glad. Across much of the globe, the frantic pace and headlong industry of life have been forcibly slowed. Quick, dear Mary, the car. His jokes were quite corny I don't know how I'm feeling. Lockdown Poems - Modern Award-winning Lockdown Poetry : All Poetry Poems / Lockdown Poems - The best poetry on the web Newest anolderambler Follow Oct '22 Isolated Isolated - but not because of a ping It's such a strange feeling To feel so alone In a city that's heaving Just you, your words and your breathing Temptation increases Profanity : Our optional filter replaced words with *** on this page . These powerful poems show the enormous impact coronavirus has had on childrens lives, as well as their strength, resilience, and hopes for the future, said Yolande Wright, Save the Childrens Director of Inclusion. Whose nightie was hot pink and quite frilly 0 Weve looked in our hearts and kindness weve found. Ended up pulling the lot down. Yet to cross our path. To sign up up for PepUpTheDay.com newsletters, please click here. Limericks are brief, witty, memorable and familiar verses, providing one ideal format for recording and reminding us of our community experience of the pandemic. I look just like a Yeti! R I know I can be in your face, His poem brings a message of hope that, like Spring, is pushing its way through this gray and anxious time. the trees unpruned, ragged and deformed. This world uncertain is: A role that couldn't be compared to any amount of wealth. Its like a little quarantine pardon. 0 While in lockdown her house became messy, We bought it before we heard that Michael Palin was sending a copy for the winner - so we thought we would give it as a runner up prize), We know that the lockdown is tough, Photo Lydiane Mattio. 6 Written in the last couple of weeks while the current UK Poet Laureate has been on lockdown with his family in his Yorkshire home, Lockdown responds to the current Coronavirus pandemic by going back in time to the plague of 1665 and the self-isolating plague village of Eyam in Derbyshire, England. So just admit defeat. Friends all took the mickey But I'm here to relieve stress and strife. I wanted to be alone again and trapped in darkness. At the minute, yes, times are tough, Went into this with to-do lists ready, Challenges, recipes, meditating and steady. Stay home: thats the plan Each female basilisk with forky sting, The sky is no longer thick with fumes Daily life looks very different, and this pandemic has impacted everybody in some way. Satya Bhattacharya. Whom we all do adore. And the rot in our teeth was so sad. And get back to painting the town For just driving straightforward might be my way out. I don't know how I'm feeling. A grandma from Warden Hill in so many ways! Nonsensical and noisy. No days out, no holidays, I promise, I'll be a good Mask. Waking up without my alarms, So dear friends I do hope youre alert When all this ends, I will go to the park to skate. I don't know what more I can say, But then you rescheduled.The sessions now take placeover Zoom and soI no longer see you. Stay at home so we can go out. Gosh, what a fright No sport, no pubs, no pop concerts, You are not alone in what you are facing. There are no sides to take. The streets were all empty, the pews were all bare. The plague full swift goes by; I just want to be on the cliff at Tintagel. Masks are useless at protecting you against the virus, but you may have to wear one because it can save lives, but they may not work, but they may be mandatory, but maybe not. Hatred thats sadly endemic. As divisions continue to harden, Our cushions upon A lovely pint, Ate scones with cream COVID-19 has spread across the globe, bringing with it sickness, death, uncertainty, anxiety, and economic upheaval. There was an old clanger called Major, Y esterday, Public Health Mid-West said they had "serious . (Offspring most loathsome of Hypocrisy, Well be holding them tight soon enough. We get to suffer for one extra day. But please dont despair, Of the virus, hed have to be shot! Cooped up like a chicken in a cage. I gave the bags to mom. Who was told at home she must stay Were no longer there. It is important for me/us to remember the world keeps moving, I hope it can help others. Nor less th insidious knave, supremely dull! County Durham's not far. R Found her social life suddenly stood still Then he did it again. Yet it puts many into a funk, There was an old man called Dominic Or Hungarian cat, But together we can beat this; only together we can change. "Quarantine Limericks: Toilet Paper and Fruit Punch" is published by Joanna Henderson in Limericks: Making You Smile. Yes there is even death. People break rules, There are no neutral zones. Funeral verses; so stay safe by adhering to the preventative measures, each day will pass, we will walk together The 2.6 Challenge in April 2020 encouraged us to do raise funds in support of British charities.Many chose to do physical things to raise money. Some of the poems were funny and some were not. Constant hearses, The Government made some new laws His wife loved him all the more for his keenness. To what really matters. The whole world is still there. Driving on I went, down a road I did not know, /Pages I'm a tutor, and I'm looking for great examples of poetry written by kids. We've no haircuts or schools, Pushing through this darkest time, he said Yes, all the time We're all in this together. He woke with throbbing head See, I've been dreaming of this moment Im not trying to shirk, But if we stick together, it can be enough. Got stuck in in a dirty great lockdown By a dustbin lid I know I'm not the perfect fit. A police man did bark It's so much deeper than that. We are alone but still together, There was an old codger called Tom 2 Specially crafted for you and me Such an important part to play in someone's health, Bravely they go into infectious wards, It contaminates and does us harm Can't promise I won't cry. For let's face it, we need more lerts!!! Always at their beck and call, If you said "Wuhan," they said "Go to hell. When we all unite T: 01242 236608 / E: office@PepUpTheDay.com. We must stand united in our hearts, Without so much as complainin. To reap the wonder of our fate. From morning until night. His adventures impressing the Queen Are to do what I say Days will get longer. As news chills us to the bone. You know your friends all have their struggles, /MediaBox Reflect on a happy, most memorable time. I was driving home after a fight with my boyfriend. But I am a bookish nerd. I am clever, for I am Dominic, We wont compromise our fate to see a glowing nation without COVID-19 so stay safe, stay at home, we will see you soon. Gradually managing to achieve those high kicks. "We make the rules, I went to do some shopping. "This is not just a health crisis, but a threat to childrens rights. I was amazed and humbled by the generosity of everyone I wrote to!Then, my dear friend Dr Giosia Di Saverio, who is an Italian surgeon, translated the poems into Italian, with the help of his son Alessandro, and sent it out to his friends and family. I once again felt happy and once again felt free. Take 30 seconds, be still in your mind; Share your story! Our political views mean nothing, Soaping up in the shower Limerick writing The neighbours were treated only with what we could spare. Laura Kelly Fanucci, When This Is Over. But we can beat the invader Continuing my drive, just the earth and me, It's our actions that define us- Without an injection Still Boris kept on shaking hands Today I got the feeling So that the elders may have someone to call on. Without a frown upon our brow. A poem for England titled "Lockdown Lines" has been written by poet and broadcaster Ian McMillan. Share your story! Thats how I spend all my time, Not wearing a mask is quite rude >> So he drove a long way The seasons will always change. Across much of the globe, the frantic pace and headlong industry of life have been forcibly slowed. Questioning about I am a surgeon. But by heavens above, And now, every day, she's " over the hill ", If I'd needed to shut down my life Whose husband was obsessed by his cleanness The self-isolation can be rough. Though standing quite alone. Corona virus you're pants!! John Davies, from The Triumph of Death. Social distancing hugs and social distancing talks. Tip: Does it create a picture in your mind? The arrogant prick Her hands were all sticky It has been hard, but we marked each one individually and from there made a shortlist and chose a winner. And time and geography and human experience distilled so eloquently in the Simon Armitage poem. There once was a family from Fife We've got a new puppy called Honey, Were fighting a deadly pandemic But we found a way At the same time, we may pass on without diving deep, without downloading . Summer walks in the garden, a Mother's Day meal. His original post has received more than 19k positive reactions and has been shared more than 34k times. You can open them by clicking on the icons below. Meghan ORourke, The Night Where You No Longer Live. People come and go, The total amount we raised in the UK was 9636, which came to 11238 with Gift Aid. I wanted to go back to the time when I was very depressed and had nothing. Neighbors, friends, and family, The world was very good to me. I just want to be a good friend. /Names The plague is come, a gnashing Madman said, When I stand and clap so loud. During lockdown feels very alone The hungry nurses with their dancing feet, She climbed on the table I left the house today. getting him out won't be easy. Keeping hospitals clean, fighting off the germs? Of love, of light, of hope. Not all were limericks either. Rules are for fools, for the herd, for the thick. Learn about the 6 biggest challenges facing childre Our experts share tips on how to help grandchildren understand difficult social transitions, like being away from grandparents, due to the coronavirus outbreak. But if you stroke his fur 0 >> When all she wants is to swim in the sea. In places far away, With the chaos and madness, how can anyone survive? To protect NHS There will be a time when we could take her out, Poem Offering Comfort For Coronavirus Anxiety, Spending Time In Nature During The Pandemic, Funny Poem About Sheltering In Place With Pets, Pregnancy And Infant Loss Awareness Month, Poems That Bring Awareness To Alzheimer's Disease, Happy Father's Day Poems From Sons And Daughters, Positive Mother-Child Relationships Poems, Poems About Bad Father Child Relationships, Poems And Quotes About Love And Relationships, Poems For Elementary Students (Grades 3-6), Poems For Primary Elementary Students (Grades K-3), Published by Family Friend Poems April 2020, Published by Family Friend Poems March 2020, Published by Family Friend Poems June 2020, Published by Family Friend Poems October 2020, Published by Family Friend Poems May 2020, Published by Family Friend Poems November 2020, Published by Family Friend Poems August 2020. Around that man whose breath is pestilence Yay Michael Palins book just for me. Blame Pep Up The Day Which contributed to their sad ends. THEN he listened to experts commands. "We're all in the same boat," The love, the sadness and the hurt. In Eighty Days But look up at the sun. 0 Oh cry the best you can cry; I can feel the hold as it holds when asked did he rhyme Her children came home *There was a young man from Lerwick Cast out your dead! the carcase-carrier cries, Was it no? obj There was a young lady called Lyn Its a BAD case of Limerickitis.. She anxiously gazes back at her family All things to end are made; Who through lockdown was getting quite hairy >> She's forbidden by social distance, All this will pass, we will be fine, if we take care of ourselves [and] wash our hands, the virus will die. Now all is quiet and theres peace all around, /Group The Iceman with his blocks of ice, The challenge of this here lockdown If its blood that you crave Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. There was an old woman from Stroud That's so lovely of you to leave a comment. /Contents credit to the wonderful kandee for the first three lines. The repeated refrain at the end of each stanza Lord, have mercy on us! strikes at the heart as much now as it must have done over 400 years ago. Now Im old, as you see, Stuck in the house 2011-2021 King of Limericks. What fun! Her husband made moves 0 Searching empty shelves, for nourishing food to eat? on tour So we can go get sozzled, All over the world people are looking at their neighbors in a new way And be forced to avoid world strife Not very good for an adventurous young teen But theyll never stop us from feeling. Resided in Bourton th Water Caroline Collingridge, Staying In. She whispers under her breath, Life has been completely D. Raab, We will get through the lockdown With a heart that is made out of gold CheltenhamGloucestershire, Email: office@pepuptheday.com Had to isolate away Without mass objection Until everything stopped when Corona came to town. Lockdown Limericks. One thing makes me glad This can't be it; there's got to be more. Share your story! So why don't you pepuptheday? They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland stream Who mourneth for the multitude dead here? As we count down the days, I worked by day and loved by night. By Julian Putley Limericks. Newsletter The question is, comes a catastrophe and of course we should try to overcome it by all means. obj Or watch birds, talk on Zoom, or grow flowers Take comfort in knowing you are not alone. You are turning me into a fool. Whose husband had his own alarm clock Winston Churchill first said it, well knowing, And now lives in a mansion that changes couleur Our fears keep us awake a night, seeing and hearing new cases every day, putting us in a state of total confusion, not knowing whats going to happen next. This haunting and enigmatic poem was published in Poetry magazine in 2015, and seems especially apt five years on, especially with its references to a 'virus' and 'the world's keening'. He walked to support our Doctors and Nurses Tim Dlugos, My Death. Close your eyes for a minute's rest. And shout to the world, WE CAN ALL GO OUTSIDE! We wish you no successes every day running lives across the nation It's roaming around our land. Physic himself must fade; She is also very fearful, Thank god for Facebook and Zoom, There was a quiet woman from Dorking Maths, reading and writing, A brave nurse, that she is, And lasted all night If we do it this together, true joy we can find 1. These times are so difficult!! ] I don't know how I'm feeling. We need to be patient; we need to be kind. And now if you look I really don't like this style. A rest that's been well-earned. Im always asking my wife, they said what?, There once was a virus called Corona But are we just waiting to pass the current situation and waiting to resume our same old mistakes? We smiled and laughed and she was fine. To want a better day. There once was a PM in lockdown I know one day the sun will shine. Words most parents never expected to hear:- But remember this too, I don't know how I'm feeling. We are all in this together. But she walked every day and stayed trim. Christina Rossetti, The Plague. Be there for one another; try to be a good friend. When he offered the delights of his picnic. Thank you to everyone who has submitted Lockdown poems. Davies (1569-1626) was another poet to live through the plague outbreaks in London in the 1590s: London now smokes with vapours that arise Made a face mask from Granny's old knickers, Yes there is even death. We all share the beautiful sky high above. He ate it with bread Who used to like to go whalin Blue string The "2.6 Challenge" in April 2020 encouraged us to do raise funds in support of British charities. We have now read and inwardly digested all 133 limericks in the Lockdown Limerick Challenge. On his Instagram handle are three poems - A Song, A Ballad and A Prayer - on the three different aspects of the post Covid-19 situation. Is bang up their scene, There was once a kid from Bridgend, Whilst not technically the most brilliant poem, Freneaus Pestilence does pay tribute to the horror of the disease as it ravaged the new American city: Hot, dry winds forever blowing, One thing is for sure, well never be the same after this. (9). We'll maybe take this moment What end to life is this? This ubiquitous covidious ol' virus From sad weary eyes, silent tears they weep. Whose toe was incredibly sore When we all emerge from our coma While feeling quite rude Is totally disgraceful and incredibly mean. With medals on their chests. This is the way we sanitize our hands,sanitizeour hands, For anybody dealing with their mental health demons during this pandemic, please remember you aren't alone. Can't go swimming in pools, The soliloquy is reproduced in full below: (With particular reference to Mrs. ______r and Co.). But now all he's hearing is so that those who are alone Breathe in the air around us. Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now. To bring a smile and to banish the frown. I hope you all find something to keep you going during this scary time. It feels so detached; it's such a shame. As she sees no family by their side. Were here to support each other, as children we can lead to our capacity On today's #One2ThreeShow The Poetry Podcast features a couple of lockdown limericks.. There's also new music from THE ANCHORESS, Ben Howard, Imelda May, Noel Gallagher, RONNIE WOOD, TOM JONES, BABY QUEEN, A CAUSE IN DISTRESS, Taylor Swift, WEEZER & more, plus Mark Searby's in for film . Who took a trip in his Crown Vic I thought I best stay unseen Who stockpiled cheap hand sanitiser Like watching in slow motion someone fall. Is supposedly better for you. We all love our Kuenssbergs and Piers', 225. To hear some new views Patient Portal Now like to bees in summers heate from hives, By signing up to receive emails from Save the Children you will receive a subscription to our monthly eNews, access to breaking emergency alerts and opportunities to get involved. I don't - I make a coffee And they will, of that I'm sure, Thank you so much, Nisreen. All shopkeepers were closed, all kegs were untapped, I WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL! Which we sit Behind the medical mask. Stuck at home with the kids and the wife, Did her shopping online But to discard me is a total disgrace. That wonderful girl from Belgravia, My heart was filled with sorrow And can now touch her toes with her nose. So once again our future looks bright. Tidying their drawers and sick of chores. By providing my mobile phone number, I agree to receive recurring text messages from Save the Children (48188) and phone calls with opportunitiesto donate and ways to engage in our mission to support children around the world. The girls I knew were pretty and bright. I miss Sea Cadets, school, my friends and my dad, And the beds are now fully occupied. Alas, until the cure is found, May God bless you all, keeping you well and safe. I don't know if I'm sad. When I was born When you give, 85% of every dollar goes straight to our mission. Poor Dom just didnt know Will they find a cure? You follow them, fools!" To appreciate what we have. whilst stood on his head Now he walks coughing through Waterloo Station, While Boris was battling infections Gave him the blues Anger, seething anger, began to fill my head, Travelled worldwide by plane Despite their differences, their struggles are shared and they remain united in their hope for a brighter future. All Rights Reserved. but this morning I am feeling quite sick. Because he is a selfish and arrogant pr@k, If lockdown is making you blue You MUST NOT leave the house for any reason, but if you have a reason, you can leave the house. Brother Richard Hendrick, a Capuchin Franciscan living in Ireland, penned this touching poem about the coronavirus pandemic. A limerick for your lockdown Broadcast Fri 30 Jul 2021 at 2:30am Friday 30 Jul 2021 at 2:30am Fri 30 Jul 2021 at 2:30am Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and . A Capuchin Franciscan Brother Richard Hendrick's poem "Lockdown" has gone viral and this St. Patrick's Day we can see why. He moaned and he frowned Wondering, praying, how do I eradicate this pain? Let's relish all the quiet. Who spent lockdown watching the telly Brother Richard shared his poem "Lockdown" in a Facebook post on Friday, March 13. << Collingridges poem deftly captures the uncertainty of living under lockdown during a pandemic, and the attendant need to change ones perspective as well as ones daily routine (the waiting, and the looking for something to do). Dad, we know you love Fido a lot, Rainbow string soup was the best, I know you won't need me for long, With some cable news A virus with a smiling heart of stone. Not Witty, just boring Im still going to go Until it reached the head that was crowned!! But remember us, Lord, and let this pandemic virus end. Each day with no fuss. And live in a pink dressing gown. Looking about We have been mindlessly living and COVID 2019 is an eye-opener. At the minute, times are tough. Life was always fast-paced, we never slowed down, Tales unravel But fiends or monsters, murdering as they go . And though you try, you can't avoid it, Board games were won So, drive through the forest I go, I began to see green. But boy this thing is tough. We must respect this valued band of women and men. Well give Caroline the last word: Staying in When it is? Go forth into the burial-ground and find In time we will all heal. Yes there is fear. Love poems from lockdown: A work of fiction The coronavirus pandemic has provided so many unlikely opportunities for inner reflection and self-improvement. It's also spawned a corollary epidemic of depression and anxiety. Which will be seen near my face I'm optimistic, hopeful, Great post, Thanks, Lynn! How did poets of previous generations deal with, and respond to, plague and mass illness? Have you seen them out, walking on lonely streets Their shadows comforting and strange. us and our planet. Sing. We must find a way to thrive. -in love, no matter what comes our way. Now jaded, not green The Milkman in the early morn, Hes the very best friend that youve got, Won't take for granted anything So she went off to bed for a snore. Somehow, the world had passed me by. With domineering insolence replete, Yes there is sickness. And lay out in the sun. Suddenly, and abruptly I felt peace, and it was oh so serene. How are poets of today writing about the current pandemic? And gave them a time Dont Feel Glum !!!!!!!!! While we wait, have no fear Last night I heard Dad say to Mum, Is there something, anything, to alleviate my mental strain?! Lockdown Limerick Challenge for you In self-isolation we stay; 24 Poems About The COVID-19 Pandemic 1. Who liked to Stay in bed And we must find inventive ways Main Office But for now, all I ask of you R 'cause they weren't free to roam We don't claim to be experts at all but we like the metre, rhyme and sentiment in Val's limerick. When dawn awakes to a bright new day. But blue and grey and clear. Granted a tiny fraction of her final days, I'm tickled at how quickly men were fooled. Just clear up the space Today, we are forced to remain confined to our home. For quite a while now, So Chris Whitty stepped in with suggestions. I may be a little older, His forgotten poem was published in 1818. The sky is clearing, who was especially fond of pulled pork 1 Snakes are in the undergrowth. If we all stick together, well all win this fight. That made us feel alive. Who usually had nowhere to go Other locations, Find a Therapist Open the windows of your soul Some sweet solace we might find. Now I see people with face masks and few cars but I am happier to have more time with my mom and I have more days to play. Our heroes aren't our generals, strange professions and true confessions from a lockdown town (4/17/20), https://patch.com/new-york/upper-west-side-nyc/man-plots-bomb-central-parks-alice-wonderland-statue-da. Stay home: else, in this C well drown, There was a young lady named Rita Thousands of people are dying with co vid 19 Funny poems written while in lockdown. The numbers keep on climbing. Imploring you for a treat, Death proves them all but toys. So, I penned 26 pages of limericks and poems to create a little book that I called "Lockdown Limericks". Good at yoga, could do the splits [ Five months without physical contact, without a kiss. It's just academic, Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic But there's no use holding back; Multiple interlocking crises have shaped 2022, including global conflict, the climate crisis and an unprecedented hunger crisis. Priests retreating from their pulpits! With his comings and goings They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise She eats such a lot, It became a story that had to be told! /Catalog Now I see people with face masks and few cars Sickness, hatred, and fear, Home of the witty ditty. 0 That we too must face each day. Corona filled the empty space. The end is coming He deserves more than the news on a screen *Her husband at cooking was no slob Which made everyone a big moaner As if they were not men, nor Christians, Among his fellows he is cast. , Lockdown! A Poem written By Big Virge 23/3/2020, strange professions and true confessions from a lockdown town. This battle must be won For shed become frigid So trust me, I'm up for this task. She thought "He's caused quite a stir - I will make him a "Sir" "Be alert" so Boris says. /Nums Tel: (206) 527-2266 Now she needs a well-sprung floor. The world's in bad shape, but it's not the end. Twas from Moreton Montaine he came from Though they go unnoticed, we can't do without them. and rested and exercised Earth will keep moving. *There was a man from bustling Zurich who wrote night and day just for Spam The virus was just too strong. Thank goodness for the virtual pub, Mouldy cheddar and flat old beer Oh, a brave nurse, that she is. Then I went back home. Washed her hands all the time You put our health at risk and our education has been halted by you How she cussed, that VA stuck in lockdown! It'll also prevent you nose pickers! For all locked indoors All teaching is strictly taboo. Animals swing from the vines to and fro; I'm happy to not have gone back to those times. that virulent slime: Another week minus cake We've lost things we took for granted, We all love to drink and to dance, Never free to roam. A brave nurse, that she is. She wore a nice dress At the hospital where she's based, But was a brave yeah Life has become cushy It has been hard, but we marked each one individually and from there made a shortlist and chose a winner.