.format-link .tags { float: right; text-align: right; } } width: 168px; Of an informer, evidence, etc. border-right: 1px solid #000000; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: 0px; } .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right { float: right; } margin-left: -100%; width: 207px; padding-left: 225px; #nav-top .col-control, #top-bar-right-spanel .col-control { width: 1200px } Any chance youve run across it in an old movie or old literature? https://www . -moz-box-sizing: border-box; width: 258px; .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-2 { width: 49%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; left: auto; right: auto; float: right; } What did shaking her fans mean? As TLC means Tender Love and Care. (1945) slogan registering a complaint against shortages. It was a time of cannibalizing (reusing old components; 1942) and make do and mend (1944). #sidebar-2, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #sidebar-2, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-2, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-2, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-2, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-2, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-2, #sidebar-2-b, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #sidebar-2-b, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-2-b, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-2-b, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-2-b, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-2-b, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-2-b { width: 100%; } I dont remember the artists name but he sings about a Martian that comes to earth and goes to a pool hall (IM NOT MAKING THIS UP). -ms-box-sizing: border-box; .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php .sidebar-container-left #sidebar-wrap { right: auto; } #ie6 .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-container { #ad-hoc-3 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-3 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-3 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-3 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-3 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-3 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-3 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-3 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } I could totally see working this into dialogue of one of my characters in the 1940s. #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? .tab-box { .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php .sidebar-container-right { margin-right: -222px; } It was a decade of war and peace: the first half monopolized by worldwide conflict, the second tentatively reaching out towards ways of avoiding a repetition of the first. British slang has been the subject of many books, including a seven volume dictionary published in 1889. [5][14] A dictionary of service slang by J. L. Hunt and A. G. Pringle was published in 1943. ; #nav, #nav.continuous { .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #wsidebar-bottom { width: 353px; } ; .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #nav-top .col-control, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #top-bar-right-spanel .col-control { width: 1000px } } (Scots) 7. margin-left: -100%; .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-1, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-1, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-2, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-2 {width: 100%;} .page-template-2r-sidebars-php .tab-box { left: auto; all root- all right. the down feathers from a blanket flying in the air is flug. margin-right: -444px; A British slang word for "cheater," invented by William Shakespeare himself. } 2020s Slang Terms. h1.posttitle a, h2.posttitle a, h1.posttitle a:visited, h2.posttitle a:visited { color:#663300;font-family:'Dancing Script', cursive;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:34px; .page-template-no-sidebars-php #main-col { width: 100%; } Slang A remarkable or astounding person or thing. #sidebar.left, #sidebar-b.left, #sidebar-2.right, #sidebar-2-b.right { float: left; } .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-2, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-2-b, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-2 { . Or does anybody else know? _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-34584885-2']); You may delete these comments and get started with min-width: 0; #ie6 .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-wrap { .format-status .title-container { padding-left: 0; } Mind you, most of these words can even make their way into our vocabulary, and still not sound dated. .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-2 { width: 49%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; left: auto; right: auto; float: right; } #slider .left, #slider .right { height: 250px; max-height: 250px; width: 250px !important; } .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #wrapper { width: 1000px; max-width: 1000px; min-width: 1000px; } .page-template-1l-sidebar-php .tags { You can change your cookie settings at any time. #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left { float: left; } Expressions from World War II that are still commonly used include: "baloney!" to mean "bullsh*t," "beat it" meaning "go away," "copacetic" for "very good," referring to a betrayal as being "double-crossed," and even . } #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-1c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-2c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-3c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-4c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-5c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-6c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-7c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } } .mm-row-equal, .mm-original, .mm-mason { text-align: justify; -ms-text-justify: distribute; text-justify: distribute; } max-width: none; .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #widgets-above-header .col-control { width: 1000px }.page-template-2r-sidebars-php #nav .col-control { width: 1000px } #nav-top, #top-bar-right-spanel { width: 1200px; max-width: 1200px; min-width: 1200px; } British slang and dialect is rich and diverse. .meta-position-left-pullout .entry-container, .meta-position-right-pullout .entry-container, .outer-pullout-container { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } #header-widgets .suf-widget-1c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-2c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-3c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-4c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-5c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-6c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-7c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } background-image: url(http://www.girlinthejitterbugdress.com/wp-content/themes/suffusion/images/iconset-6.png); Its driving me crazy trying to figure out what it means.lol, I found this: tace licet which is a latin phrase meaning a secret message. } #wsidebar-bottom, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #wsidebar-bottom, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #wsidebar-bottom, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-bottom, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #wsidebar-bottom, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #wsidebar-bottom, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-bottom { width: 100%; } Hubby has Sirius in the car. Editors note: the first citation represents only the earliest documented use yet found by OED researchers; a word may have been in circulation somewhat earlier. #main-col, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #main-col, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #main-col, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #main-col, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #main-col, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #main-col, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #main-col { color:#F7B69E;font-family:'Andika', sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:15px; .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right { width: 100%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; left: auto; right: auto; } h4 { color:#4F2408;font-family:'Andika', sans-serif;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:14px; .search-results .title-container { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } I understand when visiting a Roman pad, you gotta make their scene(when in Rome, -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; Hes waring what I think is a zoot suit because he says hes got real nervous pegs with a crazy crease and a solid gold Keychain down to my knees. h1 { color:#4F2408;font-family:'Andika', sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:20px; [12] Sometimes a Spoonerism, is employed to make taboo speech more acceptable. Mach doch!". .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #nav-top .col-control, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #top-bar-right-spanel .col-control { width: 1200px } transition: opacity 100,000ms linear; #ie6 .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-1 { not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of Oxford University Press. min-width: 0; Musick??? the stress and comradeship of war produced a wealth of slang, much of it of the 'whistling in the face of adversity' type. .format-video .tags { float: right; text-align: right; } I love the old movies and got most of the 1940s slangfrom those old flicks like Twice Blessed, Jive Junction, and Buck Privates. right: auto; .format-gallery .tags { float: right; text-align: right; } .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-1c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-2c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-3c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-4c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-5c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-6c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-7c, .suf-mag-categories .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } /* .format-status .tags { float: right; text-align: right; } } } } A quick perusal of the list of slang from the 1940s below should illustrate the point, as would clicking over to our post on slang from the 1950s when you're done. Dictionary of my 1940 slang poetry. margin-right: -185px; Institutions for international cooperation, such as the United Nations (1942) and the Security Council (1944), came into being, while in Europe, Benelux (a customs union of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg; 1947) gave a foretaste of future integration. .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-1 { Ill try to find another link. left: auto; } } color:#FFFFFF;font-family:'Droid Sans', sans-serif;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:50%; max-width: 481px; Here's a list of some of the . .sidebar-wrap-right #sidebar-shell-1 { float: right; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0;} .format-aside .title-container { padding-left: 0; } Our Privacy Policy sets } At least I think he does. .page-template-2l-sidebars-php .sidebar-wrap-right { Service Slang. The world, released from the ravages of war, sought safety in numbers (collective security the term dates from the 1930s). I think Jim might have mentioned it being from the early 50s? My dad (b.1920) always said its the shank of the evening to mean its early yet, dont leave. Usually he said it to people whod been around for some considerable time, so it may have been ironic. #cl-warea-id-4 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-4 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-4.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-4.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } "I expect you . .suf-tiles .suf-tile-1c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-2c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-3c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-4c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-5c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-6c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-7c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #container { padding-left: 222px; padding-right: 222px; } width: 162px; This combination is a prime example of quirky foods from the 1940s. var ts = new Date().getTime(); box-sizing: border-box; Jive also means cannabis in some circles in the 1940s. margin-left: -100%; } [CDATA[ */ #main-col { width: 756px; } .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #widgets-above-header { width: 1000px; max-width: 1000px; min-width: 1000px; } #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-1, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-1, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-2, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-2 {width: 100%;} .page-template-2r-sidebars-php .sidebar-wrap-right { [5], Jonathon Green, in his 1999 book The Cassell Dictionary of Slang, defines slang as "A counter language, the language of the rebel, the outlaw, the despised and the marginal". left: auto; In the 1940s, film noir was at its peak in the United States. -webkit-transition: opacity 100,000ms linear; -ms-box-sizing: border-box; Panther piss/sweat. margin-right: 0px; Some are merely descriptive terms while others are slang insults. Readthe novel The Girl in the Jitterbug Dress, Tam Francis is a writer, blogger, swing dance teacher, avid vintage collector, and seamstress. .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-1 { width: 199px; #sidebar, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #sidebar, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar, #sidebar-b, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-b { width: 100%; } } .meta-pullout .category .icon, .meta-pullout .author .icon, .meta-pullout .tax .icon, .meta-pullout .permalink .icon, .meta-pullout .comments .icon, .meta-pullout .edit .icon, .meta-pullout .pullout-date .icon, } Please let me know if you can. .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #container { padding-left: 275px; padding-right: 0px; } width: 100%; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: 15px; .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-1c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-2c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-3c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-4c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-5c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-6c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-7c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } (function() { 1940s, 20th century, hub, OED 90th, OED ambassadors, In the twenty-first century, at the dawn of the Anthropocene (2000) era, the human race began to abandon analogue socializing for the seductive delights of the digital ether. Thanks for taking the time to post a comment. Amazon Author Page - Follow Tam on Amazon.com! -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; width: 353px; . #cl-warea-id-2 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-2 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-2.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-2.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } I like Tickety -boo and Cream Krackered. width: 170px; #sidebar.left, #sidebar-b.left, #sidebar-2.right, #sidebar-2-b.right { float: left; } Check out this killer diller list of 1940s slang. .suf-tiles .suf-tile-1c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-2c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-3c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-4c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-5c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-6c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-7c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } 3. margin-right: 0px; .post.format-status span.author { float: left; padding-right: 10px; } right: 370px; -ms-box-sizing: border-box; [1] The nations of the United Kingdom, which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all have their own slang words, as does London. } .post.format-gallery span.author { float: left; padding-right: 10px; } .format-status .postdata .category{ float: left; } } When Merriam-Webster first recognized the slang term aw-shucks in 1951, it was defined as an adjective marked by a self-conscious manner. Adjective [ edit] tight ( comparative tighter, superlative tightest ) Firmly held together; compact; not loose or open . It must have carried over to the 50s! left: auto; } Another popular slang about an attractive person in the 1940s is ' Hubba-Hubba ' applying to males or females. She shares her love of this genre through her novels, blog, and short stories. On the one hand, you're simply greeting the person and they will recognize that. -moz-box-sizing: border-box; right: auto; ; h6 { color:#4F2408;font-family:'Droid Serif', serif;font-weight:normal;font-style:italic;font-variant:normal;font-size:10px; #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-5 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-1, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-2 { width: 49%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; left: auto; right: auto; float: right; } [8] It was not until the 1950s that slang began to make regular appearances in books and in the relatively new media of motion pictures and television. Slang is informal language sometimes peculiar to a particular social class or group and its . .meta-pullout ul { border-right: none; border-left: none; } .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #nav-top, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #top-bar-right-spanel { width: 1000px; max-width: 1000px; min-width: 1000px; } background: rgb(0,0,0) ; } #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-1 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } Towards the end of the war the bomber aircraft gave place to the V-1s (1944) (or buzz bombs (1944), or doodlebugs (1944), or flying bombs (1944)) and the V-2s (1944). You can use it to refer to a person or an object. Good-Time Charley. } Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield. } } .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right { width: 100%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; left: auto; right: auto; } left: auto; Grass - Cockney (English) rhyming slang for a police informant: Grasshopper = Copper. I tried to look for a time stamp reference, but couldnt find one. January 19, 2015 at 1:44 pm. It was the single most massive sea invasion in 1940s history. Have you heard any of these terms? Do you like slang in fictional dialogue? .format-chat .tags { float: right; text-align: right; } I got a kick out of your breakfast order goo and the moo above as well. But lots of people have adopted this as a way of saying "Hello!" in German slang, regardless of what time it is. for you all Ive searched all over the internet And for the life of me, cant think of what T.L means. #wrapper, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #wrapper, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #wrapper, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #wrapper, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #wrapper, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #wrapper, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #wrapper { } } At the other end of the lexical spectrum, the stress and comradeship of war produced a wealth of slang, much of it of the whistling in the face of adversity type. Drats! and #cred { color:#664925;font-family:'Andika', sans-serif;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:12px; Cant find any info. -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; World War II gave us bazooka (1943) and Sten gun (1942), napalm bomb (1945) and saturation bombing (1942), jeep (1941), duck (an amphibious vehicle; 1943) and landing craft (1940), the Allied term, E-boat (1940) in German, this craft was called the S-boot or Schnellboot and kamikaze (1944) attack. 2. corker synonyms, corker pronunciation, corker translation, English dictionary definition of corker. article.page span.author { float: left; padding-right: 10px; } Privacy Policy. #ie6 #sidebar-shell-1 { left: auto; } And although the word has remained popular throughout the years, it is now more commonly used as a stand-alone expression of modesty. .post.format-quote .postdata .comments { float: right; } .post.format-aside span.author { float: left; padding-right: 10px; } Before 'gay' became common and accepted parlance, the world invented its own unofficial terms for men who dug men. Containing over 60,000 entries, this new edition of the authoritative work on slang details the slang and . I did find this and it mentions a cat named Mr. (uncountable, chiefly Britain, slang, rare) Valuables retrieved from drains and sewers. @media screen and (max-width: 980px) { #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left { margin-left: -100%; } [6] Recognising that there are many definitions, he goes on to say, "Among the many descriptions of slang, one thing is common, it is a long way from mainstream English". margin-left: -100%; ; } Swing Dance Vintage Fashion and Lifestyle Stories Books. #nav-top ul { text-transform: capitalize; float: left; } rationed. #cl-warea-id-3 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-3 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-3.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-3.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } Mr. Musick sure is tootin when he tells the world the evils of substitootin. background: rgb(0,0,0) ; Not only was it a simple recipe with delicious results, but the use of bread or cracker crumbs helped stretch the ground beef, which was hard to come by at the time. Thanks! .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-1 { These terms were commonly used to describe people, based on certain characteristics or behaviors. #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-1c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-2c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-3c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-4c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-5c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-6c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-7c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-8c { width: 32%; margin: 5px 0.49%; } } English Slang Used in the United Kingdom - 25 questions - 5 mins. (conforming to official specifications; 1940), Woolton pie (a vegetable pie, named after Lord Woolton, then Minister of Food; 1941) and, later, snoek (a type of fish, briefly ubiquitous; a word first recorded in English in 1797, but never before or since in such common use). #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-1, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-1, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-2, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-2 {width: 100%;} .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #main-col { width: 630px; } .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-b { width: 100%; } nous . #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-1, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-1, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-2, #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-2 {width: 100%;} #slider, #sliderContent { max-height: 250px; }